Pakistan First

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

With every passing day the slogan of Musharaf’s ‘sab say pehlay Pakistan’, Pakistan first, becomes clearer and clearer, meaning Pakistan will be the first Muslim country that will be faced with instability by the Yanks. Having tested the friendship of Yanks since the inception of this land, once again this man entrapped our dear mother land into the net of this monster. And now he is begging for indemnity!

All those who were forecasting all this instability in the country, were termed as foolish and bigot, having no any acumen of the changing circumstances by this man.

Afghanistan was a war ravaged country having no any system or government, the main focus of the Yanks was our country. And with the help of the axis of evil, Pervez Musharaf they succeeded in it.

Now they are helping the fake Taliban to create a state of instability in our country. How can those be the upholder of Islamic Shariah who kill their own brethrens in faith?

Having broken the USSR through its many pronged strategy, the Yanks are playing the same game with our country. On the one hand they are promising some 15 billion dollars for our power, pelf, and property loving rulers and on the other hand they are supporting the fake Taliban to do murderous activities and challenge the writ of the government.

The target of those fake Taliban is our army, an institution that still has some systemic entity. And this double game does not enter into the skull of our policy makers.

How can it be when they owe their own existence to the Yanks in the form of NRO plus showers of money? Why brain storming for bringing some structural changes in the system of the country in order to stand on our own feet when easy money is available. Fix your share and pass the time. Let the change be brought by those who are so much loyal to this land.

Musharaf did the same and our new washed men of NRO are doing the same. Musharaf completed the first act of the play, and now Zardari and his accomplices are giving final touch to the great game.

The only solution of the problem is to get out of the war on terror. Let the Yanks mind their own business in Afghanistan. Stop all those containers, some of them carrying suicidal jackets (for what purpose?) to cross our borders, and take your logistic support back from the Yanks, seal your borders with Afghanistan and then see what happens.

For decades our tribal belt has worked as a natural deterrent for us and it can do so again. The only need is to pull our army back from the tribal areas and hand over the affairs of the tribal areas to those elderly Maliks and Sardars who has been running their tribal system successfully since time immemorial.

And at the same time make arrangement for bringing all those tribal areas in to the jurisdiction of the main land system. Here lies the true solution of the ills. And from the present NRO rulers it is not expected. All this need a bold and courageous leadership. And unfortunately presently we are lacking such leadership.

Abu Shahab
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