Facing a job interview is the first real test before you can get a new
job. In such a competitive market where there are less jobs than the
number of applicants, it becomes important for you to leave a good first
impression on the interviewer. Here are few big mistakes to avoid during
an interview:
1. Appearance
The way you look and present yourself in front of the interviewer
matters. The interviewer will judge you on the basis of your appearance
first and go through your credentials later. It is therefore important
to dress up in business formals for the interview and present a good
first impression of yourself. |
2. Talking too much
When you are facing a Job interview and responding to queries posed by
the interviewer, there’s a possibility of getting carried away and speak
more than you should. Focus on the interview questions and stay to the
point on what the interviewer wants to know about you. If they need any
additional information, they will ask it themselves. |

3. Being unprepared
When you are going for an interview, you should have some knowledge
about the company and the job that you are applying for. Remember, it is
not important to go deep into the history of the company, but you should
at least know about the space they operate in and what makes the company
different from its competitors. |

4. Body language
It is important to behave professionally when you are facing a job
interview. Your body language shouldn’t be casual. You should not be too
nervous or try and be over friendly. Both the type of situations may
leave bad impression of your on the interviewer, which is best avoided. |
5. Commenting negatively about you past job
Even if you’ve had a bad experience with your past job and company, do
not be negative about the company or your boss. Try and recount pleasant
experiences, your past achievements and the good aspects about the
previous company to leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.