Turbulent business scenario often force organisations to take harsh
measures to cut down costs. The first, and the easiest one, to consider
is to cut down on the staff costs.
In a scenario where global happenings impact local economics, it’s not
unusual to see or hear stories of layoffs. Just today, Deutsche Bank
informed hundreds of staff globally that their positions were being cut.
Earlier this week Samsung restructured their business in India and let
go off about 1,000 employees.
While the business scenarios can’t change but an employee’s way of
dealing with such situations can certainly change. Here are 7 things to
do if there is layoff talk happening in your office:
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1. Keep your resume up to date
This practice will help ease out the stress that an employee may feel
due if ever the lay-off happens. Also, it’s better to keep looking for
opportunities and be prepared rather than worrying about losing your
current job.
2. Strengthen your network
Along with keeping your resume up to date, it is also necessary to keep
building your network. Considering the volatility of present
work-environment, maintaining your network and contacts will help to be
prepared for the worst.
3. Focus on your daily tasks
IAt is not easy to keep focus when your workplace feels volatile, but
during such situations it is more important to get things done and be as
productive as possible.
4. Volunteer to do more work
The downside of a workplace going through lay off is that more work will
be dumped on the existing employees. In such a situation, it would be
highly beneficial if you volunteer to take on more work.
5. Boost your income/savings
One of the most important things to do during such a situation at the
workplace is to find ways to boost your income or savings. One should
look for part time jobs or put aside a substantial part of salary as
savings to minimise the pressure if laid off.
6. Go through your paperwork
Another important thing to do is go through the paper-work and contracts
that you may have signed when you were hired. This will help to make
sure if you are entitled to any benefits accumulated, unused vacation
days, money owed etc.
7. Get details on your severance package
Big employers usually have a severance package that laid-off employees
are entitled to. Knowing these details and negotiating for maximum
benefits can put one in an advantageous position even after being
laid-off. |