When there were just 313 Muslims in the world

(Abdullah, )

Bismillahir Rehmaanir Raheem

When there were just a few hundred Muslims in the world, they had no trouble establishing an Islamic State.

Today there are in millions who lay claim to be Muslims yet not one single Islamic State anywhere between Morocco to Indonesia. Why?

It absolutely evident that all of those early Muslims were true to Allah and the millions in number today are not.

What did those Muslims do to create an Islamic state?

They all, yes all of them, in their spare time would converge in their only Musjid i.e. Musjid ul Nubvee and continue their congregation after prayers to work to create a system that would make the Laws of Allah the Laws of lands (under their control) through their Jameeyah and Shoorah i.e. through peoples’ practice and through their self-help.

Did they have a President, a King, a Ruler, a General, a Dictator telling everyone what to do? No. None whatsoever. So from whom did they take their orders? The One they stressed obeying through their Kalimah.

So what sort of system did those the early Muslims create? They created an envy of democracy. How? Every one of them came forward to shoulder their Divine responsibility to work to create a self-helping, vigilant, just, caring and responsible society and thus also created an Authority. Authority of no man but that of Allah alone, as they promised through the Kalimah.

Everyone came forward to make the Laws of Allah, as these came through the holy Prophet (pboh), their Laws to obey and hence by their practice, the Laws of the land.

What was the role of the holy Prophet (pboh) then? He was, as he had to be, an Ubd and Rasool. Full stop. Everything else was the responsibility of the Muslims who took up the challenge very seriously and thus created a glorious future for them. Something an absolute must for every Muslim today to learn lesson from and to practice likewise.

They were WINNERS and we? We are losers. Why? We do not have the heart winning habits and characteristics as they had. They were true Muslims and we? Most of us are fake Muslims. Why fake. Absence of Udl wul Ehsaan in our thoughts, words, and deeds is the vivid proof.

So what do we need to do to become WINNERS? We need to be like those true Muslims and thus start coming together regularly in localities where we live. Come together to do what those true Muslims did i.e. to shoulder our Divine responsibility to work to create a self-helping, vigilant, just, caring and responsible society. Can we do it? It all depends on us. Do we want to become WINNERS. WINNERS like those early Muslims. It is all entirely up to all of us to act. If we want, we all have to become true Muslims. True Muslims by bringing into our habits and practices the qualities of a Muslim. It is Udl wul Ehsaan.

So to create an State where Udl wul Ehsaan is to be found in the deeds of each and every soul is our collective responsibility. No one shall be coming from France or Germany to make us Muslims. It is up to us. Take it and become WINNERS. Leave it and continue to remain slaves of the slave takers. As it is for ever.


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