The effects of sleep deprivation on an individual can
be numerous and problematic. Sleep deprivation effects performance at
your home, work and at school. Man drowsy at deskThe effects of a sleep
deprivation disorder can include loss of memory and the need for
additional rest that you are not currently getting. The effects of loss
of sleeping can hurt your career, school life and family members who are
around you.
Your memory will need to be in top shape if you want to succeed in
school and work and if it is not, may affect your performance in these
situations. Sleep deprivation disorder can be caused by numerous things
including physical and emotional stresses. The effects of sleeping
through the night and getting plenty of rest are quite positive. People
who experience sleep deprivation, though, see an almost immediate
negative effect on performance.
Memory loss can affect performance by not allowing you to retain things
learned and you can be forgetful which will hurt all aspects of your
life. A sleeping disorder can be very serious and you need to look into
the causes and research treatment options. If you lose a lot of rest,
especially if it is a chronic problem, you may have additional health
issues and not be able to perform as well at work and home. You can be
irritable, not be able to function well and not be able to be social
with family members.