(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

I have not been able to sleep calmly since I saw a video clip on facebook in which some of the miscreants are mutilating the already dead people! They are capturing the video of the whole scene by mobile camera as well as abusing and humiliating the deceased. One person during shooting the video forbids mutilating the face and throat of the deceased but others are persuading to keep mutilating! That was a very cruel act I have ever seen in my life! Whenever I close my eyes, the clip again and again forces me to open my eyes! I thought if a person can be so cruel that their hands did not even shiver a little during this brutal act!

People are being kidnapped from various areas and being killed brutally! Their dead bodies are found in various areas either mutilated or bullet riddled in gunny bags. Baloch, Mohajir, Sindhi, Pakhtoon and others are scuffled among themselves forgetting Islamic teachings! Even they have no care and respect for the holy month of Ramadan! They are fighting either turf war or for bagging extortion. Why so ethnicity?! Are they Muslims?! Are they Pakistanis?!

Today the bad circumstances of Karachi have frightened people a lot! They are afraid of going on jobs, shopping, buying edibles and groceries etc. They are frightened to wait for their buses on bus tops! If they catch their buses, they keep watching here and there in fear as if somebody is going to stop a bus and ask for their identity and kidnap them! This is complete anarchy due to no role of government, law enforcement agencies, police and rangers! They all have failed to produce security to public! Actually the ministers have a lot of security to save themselves; hence they cannot gauge the feelings or emotions of the public! Would that they were living among common men without any security, they would surely understand the situation!

I request the concerned authorities to please take stern actions against every criminal whether they are from any political party and hang them all! Unless they are sentenced, they will be killing innocent people in the same way! Please show your great performance to remove fear from people’s hearts! Save People, Save Pakistan!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
About the Author: Hafiz Muhammad Noman Read More Articles by Hafiz Muhammad Noman: 125 Articles with 109709 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.