Another set of Terrifying pictures of the worst parents

(Source: Dailymail)

Usually, parents will do anything to keep their precious children out of harm's way.

Whether it is preventing them from watching violent scenes on TV, or from riding on a white-knuckle ride at a theme park, they do their best to protect them from life's dangers.

But, as these shocking pictures show, this rule does not apply to all parents.

Worrying: A mother puts her daughter in danger by walking across thin ice

Dangerous: Windsurfing is a sport which many adults would be terrified of attempting. But his dad decided to strap his baby to his chest when he went out to sea
Unorthodox: This father, left, takes a photograph with his child resting between his legs. The woman on the right thought it would be a good idea to pose with a child hanging upside down
Fall: This man looks very happy with himself on a swing, but the child behind him who has been knocked over by him will be less impressed
Foolish: It might have been wiser for this mum to place her baby on the pavement rather than in the road
Unsafe: This father travels on a rickety-looking bike with his two children attached to the back... and neither are wearing helmets
What is she thinking? This mother continues with her shopping while her child puts a plastic bag over her head

Painful: With this young boy clearly in pain after being trapped underneath a toy truck, his parent thought it would be a good idea to take a picture

Not right: This mother could perhaps have found a better way to put her child back in his buggy

Confused: This little baby isn't sure what to make of the toy bullet which has just been fired at his head