I bet you never knew that besides containing
nutritious value, dry fruits have a medicinal value. Dry fruits contain
a number of digestive enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Winter season
gives you a chance to max out at their medicinal value because of their
easy availability.
Almond milk has a great nutritional value for both children and infants.
Its milk is great for your skin as it dims pigmentation and enhances
fairness. Almonds improve the function of your heart and brain and also
help in making your muscles strong and hair grow fast.
Dates boiled in milk provide great medicinal value for growing children,
young girls and pregnant women. Dates are rick in iron and fiber, boost
your immunity and keep the hormonal balance in check. Girls with
irregular menstrual cycles can boil two dates in milk and drink it warm
every day. Add a spoon of honey.
Walnuts are perfect for you if you are planning on losing weight. They
are good for diabetic and hypertensive patients. Walnuts are rich in
omega-3-fatty acids which reduce the pressure on your heart by supplying
regular flow of blood.

Dried grapes are known as raisins. Raisins contain iron which should be
taken by people suffering from anemia. If you or your child is
underweight, give him a fistful of raisins every day. People with
digestive problems should consume raisins too. Raisins help in

Cashew nuts:
Cashew nuts hide a lot of wonders of nature. Rich in vitamin B,
magnesium, potassium, copper, fiber and protein, cashew nuts protect you
from a number of heart problems. |