Pakistan is facing the phenomenon of terrorism from last 12 years, and its effects are getting severe day by day. Now a days the most activist group of militants is Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP) an umbrella organization of various militant groups based in the northwestern Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan border in Pakistan. Most, but not all, Pakistani Taliban groups coalesce under the TTP.

If we see the roots of the TTP we came to know that TTP as an organization began in 2002 when the Pakistani military conducted incursions into the tribal areas to originally combat foreign (Afghan, Arab and Central Asian) militants fleeing from the war in Afghanistan into the neighboring tribal areas of Pakistan. A 2004 article by the BBC explains:
The military offensive had been the part of overall war against al-Qaeda. Since the start of the operation, the Pakistani military authorities have firmly established that a large number of Uzbek, Chechen and Arab militants were in the area. It was in July 2002 that Pakistani troops, for the first time in 55 years, entered the Tirah Valley in Khyber tribal agency. Soon they were in Shawal valley of North Waziristan, and later in South Waziristan. ... This was made possible after long negotiations with various tribes, who reluctantly agreed to allow the military's presence on the assurance that it would bring in funds and development work. But once the military action started in South Waziristan a number of Waziri sub-tribes took it as an attempt to subjugate them. Attempts to persuade them into handing over the foreign militants failed, and with an apparently mishandling by the authorities, the security campaign against suspected al-Qaeda militants turned into an undeclared war between the Pakistani military and the rebel tribesmen.

After that the government of Pakistan changed from PPPP to PMLn. Now in the starting of 2014, The administration of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who came in to power last year encouraging to find a negotiated peace with the Taliban, and still he has been trying to participate the group in talks. But as the talks broke down due to the activity of TTP in which they killed 23 FC persons with brutality and TTP admitted that at the same week. The decision came hours after, Pakistani fighter jets had bombed suspected Taliban hideouts in a tribal area on the Afghan border, killing at least 15 militants. The air strikes may herald a broader military offensive in North Waziristan, a region where many armed groups are based. The air strikes launched in the morning also came just hours after Pakistan's army declared more than 100 soldiers had been killed by Taliban fighters in the past five months, a rare admission of mass casualties. After air strike of PAK both participants of negotiations draw back there comities so that peace talks brakes again.

The current situation demands that TTP should have to show flexibility and should stop killing innocent Muslims of Pakistan, Which is an Islamic Republic country. I suggest TTP, if they realize that they have enough support from public of Pakistan, then they should be the part of the democratic process in Pakistan to implement their ideology.
Being a nation we are suffering from many social and ethical issues .Our condition is this, we even don’t want to bear another cast, other religion and ourselves as well. In current situation I think both parties must restart negotiations and stop war, bomb blast and killing of innocent people. Pakistan government must try to restart peace talks.
We have to make a positive, mature behavior and should think as a Nation. We must have to give respect other religions, sects, castes and should promote interfaith harmony.

About the Author: NOOR UL SABAH HASHMI Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.