Why are we always complaining
about our country? Why are we always talking about changes that can make
Pakistan more developed? Why are we so pessimistic and so disappointed in our
country? Gently swaying on the metal framed swing in our front yard and enjoying
the cool winds and the lovely morning weather of Karachi, the realization hit me
hard. I am in love with my homeland.
A few years back, all I was dreaming was to give my kids the best education I
can afford and run away to some foreign country where I could live in peace and
perhaps write articles for Pakistani newspapers on the 'so-called' development
of Pakistan. And what is our idea about development? Tall and high buildings,
luxurious shopping malls, roads, bridges, beautiful underpasses? Our politicians
come and go with promises of development but all they do is construct more and
more of the above.
My dreams and ideas have changed over the years. I no longer dream of running
away from Pakistan nor do I want my kids to leave. And I think that is a huge
leap in the name of development in Pakistan. If we could instill the same line
of thought in every Pakistani who would rather prefer to earn less but serve
Pakistan than run away abroad and make their selfish future there, Pakistan will
soon become a country we will all be proud of. Yes, it's a compromise because
most probably Pakistan cannot give you what other countries in the west or even
the middle east can give you. You will struggle. You will get frustrated because
of load shedding problems. On some days there will be no gas in your pipelines.
Even no water if you live in Karachi. But in the end, you will be serving
Pakistan. You will feel that great sense of responsibility by serving your own
country. You will feel a sense of purpose of your own life, of everything you
do. And no salary package and no number of benefits can buy that great sense of
purpose in your life.
Why do we complain about the low literacy rate in Pakistan when all the educated
people leave the country to build their future abroad? Why do we whine about the
education system if there are no able and talented Pakistanis left in the
country to work for the betterment of the system? Why is the political system
full of feudal lords who have probably received very little formal education? If
the talented people of Pakistan leave the country to build their futures abroad,
Pakistan will inevitably be left in the hands of these feudal lords.
We can all talk about the development of Pakistan. There are so many things to
talk about. Corruption. Democracy. Political system. Education. But the truth is
only the people of Pakistan, the Pakistanis, can build a great country our
future generations will be proud of. Instead of pooling our geniuses and our
talents out of the country, why don't we pool them in? Even if you receive
education abroad, why don't we all come back to our homeland and serve our
Only the people of Pakistan can do what most leaders can only talk about. So
let's dream Pakistan and let's do it.