Crawl Over Each Other Meaning

(idiomatic) To compete with others eagerly or fiercely in pursuit of the same goal(s).

Example: 1984, Og Mandino, The Choice, Bantam (1986), ISBN 0553245767, page 110:
  We crawl over each other in our race for power, wealth, and fame.
1998, Kathleen Tracy, Jerry Seinfeld: The Entire Domain, Carol Publishing Group (1998), ISBN 9781559724746, page 133:
  By the time "The Contest" was repeated on April 29, 1993, the first night of that year's May sweeps, Seinfeld was a Top Ten show on Thursday nights, and advertisers were crawling over each other to sign up.
2005, David Cox, Sign Wars: The Culture Jammers Strike Back, UoM Custom Book Centre (2005), ISBN 9780980770155, page 206:
  […] game shows like Survivor, where young, attractive (mainly white, but definitely affluent or unthreateningly petit-bourgeois) people are invited to pretend that they are alone in the 'wilderness' and must crawl over each other for access to food, shelter and sex.