Board Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• BoardDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) The side of a ship.
  2. (n.) A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material used for some special purpose, as, a molding board; a board or surface painted or arranged for a game; as, a chessboard; a backgammon board.
  3. (n.) The border or side of anything.
  4. (n.) Hence: What is served on a table as food; stated meals; provision; entertainment; -- usually as furnished for pay; as, to work for ones board; the price of board.
  5. (n.) To furnish with regular meals, or with meals and lodgings, for compensation; to supply with daily meals.
  6. (n.) To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.
  7. (v. t.) To cover with boards or boarding; as, to board a house.
  8. (n.) To enter, as a railway car.
  9. (n.) To place at board, for compensation; as, to board ones horse at a livery stable.
  10. (v. t.) To approach; to accost; to address; hence, to woo.
  11. (n.) A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly or meeting, public or private; a number of persons appointed or elected to sit in council for the management or direction of some public or private business or trust; as, the Board of Admiralty; a board of trade; a board of directors, trustees, commissioners, etc.
  12. (n.) A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for building, etc.
  13. (v. i.) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation; as, he boards at the hotel.
  14. (n.) A table to put food upon.
  15. (n.) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
  16. (n.) Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.; pasteboard; as, to bind a book in boards.
  17. (n.) The stage in a theater; as, to go upon the boards, to enter upon the theatrical profession.

• BoarDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (n.) The uncastrated male of swine; specifically, the wild hog.

• BoardingDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Board
  2. (n.) The act of covering with boards; also, boards, collectively; or a covering made of boards.
  3. (n.) The act of entering a ship, whether with a hostile or a friendly purpose.
  4. (n.) The act of supplying, or the state of being supplied, with regular or specified meals, or with meals and lodgings, for pay.

• BoardableDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (a.) That can be boarded, as a ship.