Urdu to English Dictionary & Translation online

Grow your Vocabulary with Urdu to English Dictionary & Translate. The world is now became a global village and it is great for a person to be multi-lingual. There is a dire need of people in the modern world who can easily communicate in several languages. The learning of any new language requires a great effort or hard work. However, for this purpose, dictionaries play a crucial role as they provide meaning about all key words of any language. On the other a person feels easy to communicate in a language when his/her vocabulary is sufficient.

English Roman Urdu
Decoupling Amal عمل
Bonk Dhamaka دھماکہ
Sopping Sharabor شرابور
Bedung Gobar mein latherna گوبر میں لتھیڑنا
Blusterer Tand تند
Zionist Hami sehviniat حامی صیہونیت
Autografts Kisi jism se hasil kardah naseejo ko asi jism ke kisi aur hissay par jor dainay ka amal کِسی جِسم سے حاصِل کردہ نسیجوں کو اِسی جِسم کے کِسی اور حِصّے پر جوڑ دینے کا عمل
Circulation Halqa ashaat حلقہ اشاعت
Lovelies Dil kash دل کش
Condemnation Proceedings Karwai saza کاروائی سزا
Take Charge Kisi cheez ka mukammal intizam sambhaal lena کسی چیز کا مکمل انتظام سنبھال لینا
Duckers Batkhen paalnay wala بطخیں پالنے والا
Brazen Faced Be ghairat بے غيرت
Creditor Qarz khowah قرض خواہ
Portable Safri سفری
Tradesman Dukandar دوکاندار
Observableness Mushahida kar saknay ki haalat مشاہدہ کر سکنے کی حالت
Chucker Aik chhota sangreza ایک چھوٹا سنگریزہ
Fair Trial Ghair janbdaranh samaat غیر جانبدارانہ سماعت
Happen Waqay hona واقع ہونا
Bibliophilist Kitabon par tabsrah karnay wala کتابوں پر تبصرہ کرنے والا
Bhang Bhang بھنگ
Churches Kaleesaon کلیساؤں
Tropical Hari حاری
Musculo Skeletal Disorders Uzli istikhwani kharabian عضلی استخوانی خرابیاں
Toilsomeness Kathan hona کٹھن ہونا
Collards Karam kulah کرم کلہ
Medal Tamgha تمغہ
Louder Buland honay wala بلند ہونے والا
Intimate Mutla karna مطلع کرنا

Urdu to English Dictionary

Urdu is the official and main language of Pakistan. The beauty of this language is that a person from any province or region of the country can easily speak in this language and can convey his/her message. Now people can easily translate Urdu to English. This Urdu to English Dictionary will help people learning in the English language as well as in the translation of Urdu to English. Now it would also help in communication with tourists with the help of this Urdu to English dictionary online. Hamariweb presents you with the best dictionaries on our website. Urdu to English Dictionary and English to Urdu Dictionary assist you in Urdu to English translation of a sentence and provide exact Urdu to English meaning and vice verse.

Translate Urdu to English

The English language has great importance in today’s world. It is the first language spoken by more than 340 million people in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is also considered the official language across the globe. However, most people In Pakistan have no or basic command of the English language, which is further indicative of the use of bilingual dictionaries. Our website understands this point and is offering both Urdu to English dictionary and English to Urdu dictionary for your convenience. By utilizing the Hamariweb online Urdu to English Dictionary you can easily find the meaning of any Urdu word or sentence in the English language. This dictionary is a great tool for people who want to increase their vocabulary and grip on the English language. This online dictionary not only allows you to Translate Urdu to English meaning but also helps you in improving your vocabulary by providing the chance for Urdu to English translate in a glimpse of an eye. Now translate Urdu to English paragraph online without any hassle.