Alkhidmat Lab Test Rates List

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Alkhidmat Lab Test Rates List
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Alkhidmat Lab Test Price List 2024

Alkhidmat Lab offers a variety of lab tests at affordable rates, often with a focus on quality and accessibility. However, for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, it is best to check directly with Alkhidmat Lab or visit their official website. Here's a general idea of the types of tests and their potential costs:

Test Name Approximate Price (PKR)
Complete Blood Count (CBC) 300 – 500
Liver Function Test (LFT) 800 – 1,200
Renal Function Test (RFT) 600 – 900
Lipid Profile 1,000 – 1,500
Blood Glucose (Fasting) 100 – 300
Urine Routine Examination 150 – 300
Serum Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium) 500 – 700
Creatinine 300 – 500
Cholesterol Test 400 – 600

This code will display the test name and approximate price in a simple table format.

Hematology Lab Test Rates List 2024

S. No Service Name Category Service Price
1 Complete Blood Count Hematology 313
2 Hb Hematology 125
3 Platelets Count Hematology 199
4 ESR Hematology 124
5 CBC+ESR Hematology 437
6 Blood Group Hematology 125
7 Reticulocyte Count Hematology 159
8 Clotting Time Hematology 66
9 Bleeding Time Hematology 66
10 Absolute Basophil Hematology 500
11 Absolute Eosinophil Hematology 159
12 Absolute Monocyte Hematology 500
13 Absolute Neutrophil Hematology 500
14 HbA1C Hematology 1013
15 Cytology (TLC and DLC) Hematology 275
16 Peripheral Smear Hematology 765
17 HB ELECTROPHORESIS Hematology 1790
18 CP Print Hematology 259

Biochemistry Services Lab Test Price List

S. No Service Name Category Service Price
1 Blood Sugar Fasting Biochemistry 100
2 Blood Sugar Random Biochemistry 100
3 Calcium Biochemistry 262
4 Bilirubin T.D.I Biochemistry 357
5 Bilirubin Total Biochemistry 262
6 Alkaline Phosphatase Biochemistry 262
7 Total Protein Biochemistry 262
8 Albumin Biochemistry 262
9 Total Lipids Biochemistry 330
10 Cholesterol Biochemistry 262
11 Triglycerides (TG) Biochemistry 262
12 HDL Cholesterol Biochemistry 239
13 Bicarbonate HCO3 Biochemistry 550
14 Phosphorus Biochemistry 291
15 Aldose Level Biochemistry 1000
16 Blood Urea Nitrogen Biochemistry 263
17 Chloride Biochemistry 225
18 Gamma GT Biochemistry 466
19 Magnesium Biochemistry 450
20 A/G Ratio Biochemistry 597
21 LDL Cholesterol Biochemistry 238
22 Glucose Tolerance Test Biochemistry 816
23 Malarial Parasite Biochemistry 132
24 Synovial Fluid Biochemistry 466
25 Lipid Profile Biochemistry 648
26 Cardiac Enzyme Biochemistry 917
27 Renal Function Tests Biochemistry 717
28 Absolute Lymphocyte Biochemistry 500
29 Uric Acid Biochemistry 262
30 Globulin Biochemistry 170
31 Liver Function Test Biochemistry 728
32 Serum Electrolytes Biochemistry 477
33 Sodium Biochemistry 239
34 Potassium Biochemistry 239
35 Serum Iron Biochemistry 668
36 TIBC Biochemistry 800
37 CPK (CK) Biochemistry 393
38 LDH Biochemistry 393
39 Serum Lipase Biochemistry 770
40 Amylase Biochemistry 466
41 CREATININE Biochemistry 262
42 Blood Urea Biochemistry 262
43 Albumin Biochemistry 300
44 Gram’s Stain Biochemistry 200
45 Z-N Stain Biochemistry 250
46 Urea and Electrolytes Biochemistry 739
47 Fluid LDH Biochemistry 500
48 Phosphate Biochemistry 292
49 Coagulation Profile Biochemistry 800
50 ASOT Biochemistry 350
51 SGOT (AST) Biochemistry 262
52 SGPT (ALT) Biochemistry 256
53 SERUM CHOLESTROL Biochemistry 300
54 ACE Level Biochemistry 4050
55 Zinc Level Biochemistry 2000
56 Transferrin Saturation Biochemistry 300
57 S. Bilirubin T.D.I Biochemistry 337
58 Bilirubin Total Biochemistry 250
59 Protein S Biochemistry 2000
60 SERUM CRYOGLOBULIN Biochemistry 2500
61 Lipoprotein Fasting Biochemistry 2000
62 Anti TPO Antibodies Biochemistry 2500
63 Anti Gliadin IgA Biochemistry 2000
64 Anti Endomysial Biochemistry 2500
65 CK-MB Biochemistry 495
66 Lactate Biochemistry 2000

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