Lahore to Faisalabad Train Timings

Here is the latest information on Lahore to Faisalabad train timings and ticket prices for 2025. There are five express trains running daily between Lahore and Faisalabad: Badar Express, Karakoram Express, Shah Hussain Express, Ghouri Express, and Shalimar Express. Below, you will find the Lahore to Faisalabad train timings, stop information, and Lahore to Faisalabad ticket price details for all classes of these trains. The Lahore to Faisalabad train timing include the departure times from Lahore Railway Station and arrival times at Faisalabad City Railway Station for all weekdays. This information will help you choose the best train for your journey from Lahore to Faisalabad. You can also find details on the Lahore to Faisalabad train ticket prices, ensuring you know the cost of travel for different classes.

Lahore to Faisalabad Train Timings

Lahore to Faisalabad Train Timings 2025

n this table, you will find comprehensive information about the Lahore to Faisalabad Train Timings 2025, including essential details on departure and arrival schedules. Understanding these timings is crucial for a smooth and efficient travel experience.

Name Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Time
Shalimar Train Lahore to Faisalabad7:30 AM9:55 AM 2 Hours 35 Minutes
Karakoram Train Lahore to Faisalabad3:00 PM5:25 PM2 Hours 35 Minutes
Ghouri Express Train Lahore to Faisalabad7:00 PM9:40 PM2 Hours 40 Minutes
Badar Express Train Lahore to Faisalabad9:30 AM12:25 PM2 Hours 55 Minute
Akbar Express Train Lahore to Faisalabad-- -
Shah Hussain Train Lahore to Faisalabad-- -

Lahore To Faisalabad Train Ticket Price 2025

In this table, you will find detailed information about Lahore To Faisalabad train ticket prices for various seating classes. It includes the prices for Economy, AC Standard, AC Lower, AC Sleeper, AC Parlor, and AC Business classes.

Train Number Train Name Economy 1st Sleeper AC Standard AC Parlour AC Business AC Sleeper
43UP/44DNShah HussainRs.1050Rs.1100Rs.1450Rs.1550Rs.1650Rs.2400
113UP/114DNGhouri ExpressRs.750N/ARs.1300Rs.1350N/AN/A
27UP/28DNShalimar ExpressRs.750N/ARs.1300Rs.1350Rs.1500Rs.2350
23UP/24DNAkbar ExpressRs.750N/ARs.1300Rs.1350Rs.1500Rs.2350
111UP/112DNBadar ExpressRs.750N/ARs.1300N/ARs.1300N/A

Here is the detailed information on Lahore to Faisalabad train timings and ticket prices for 2025.

Badar Express:

Departure from Lahore: 09:30 AM

Arrival at Faisalabad: 12:10 AM

Fare Range: Rs.450 to Rs.500

Ghouri Express

Departure from Lahore: 18:45

Arrival at Faisalabad: 21:10

Fares Range: Rs.300 to Rs.550

Karakoram Express

Departure from Lahore: 03:00 PM

Arrival at Faisalabad: 05:00 PM

Fares Range: Rs.500 to Rs.800

Shah Hussain Express

This train is closed,it is not running nowadays.

Shalimar Express

Departure from Lahore: 07:30 AM

Arrival at Faisalabad: 09:30 AM

Fares Range: Rs.450 to Rs.1450

Lahore To Faisalabad Non-Stop Train Ticket Price

Name Seat Fare Berth Fare
AC Lower / StandardRs.1000Rs.1000
AC BusinessRs.1700Rs.1700

FAQs About Lahore to Faisalabad Train

How many trains run daily from Lahore to Faisalabad?

Five express trains run daily from Lahore to Faisalabad.

Is Shah Hussain Express currently operating?

No, Shah Hussain Express is not running nowadays.

How long does the Karakoram Express take to travel from Lahore to Faisalabad?

The Karakoram Express takes 2 hours.

What are the ticket price options for Shalimar Express?

The Lahore to Faisalabad ticket price ranges from Rs.450 to Rs.1450.

Which trains from Lahore to Faisalabad train timing non stop?

Shalimar Express and Karakoran Express have non-stop timings.

What class options are available for Lahore to Faisalabad trains?

The available classes are Economy Class, Business Class, and AC Sleeper.

Which trains stop between Lahore and Faisalabad?

Ghouri Express and Badar Express have stops; the others are non-stop.

Is it necessary to book tickets in advance for these trains?

Advance booking is recommended to secure your seat.

We use reliable sources to provide you with accurate information. However, we can’t guarantee that all details are always correct. Please verify any information independently before making decisions based on it. We’re not responsible for any issues that may arise from using this information.

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  • Kosar, Lahore