Nighat Palace

Locate Nighat Palace Wedding Halls in Karachi, Pakistan, for swift access. Discover contact numbers and the precise location for your convenience. Check comprehensive information on Karachi Nighat Palace Wedding Halls 2024.

Title Nighat Palace Wedding Hall
Name Nighat Palace
Place Karachi Wedding Halls
Address Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal
City Karachi
Phone No 34982720
Fax No N/A
Email N/A
Category Wedding Halls
Social Links

Wedding Halls in Karachi

Name Address Phone No.
Arshi Lawns D-5 Block 10/A, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 4991605, 4969124
Evacuee Club St-6, Block 10-A, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 8121521
Qasre Salam P-2 Block 1O-A, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 34975600
Meet and Treat C-10 Block 3, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 472732
Sitara Palace C-6 Block-2 Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 468186
Shahzadi Garden C-47, Darul Salam Housing Society, Opp.lslamic Mission Hospital, Defence 35050409, 35050402
AI-Saeed Garden F-4, Lucknow Society, Near Comish Garden, Korangi 35051540
Unique Garden C-129 Oarul Salam Co-Operative Society, Main Korangi Road, Defence 35050474
City Garden C-39 Darul Salam Housing Society, Opp. Islamic Mission Hospital, Korangi Crossing, Defence
Mahwish Lawn D-4 Block 1O-A, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 34974330, 34974331, 34992620
Junagarh Lawn Beside National Stadium, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 34990800
Florence Garden Near Water Pump Chowrangi St-2 Block H, North Nazimabad 36642083
AI-Mustufa Palace D-9, Block J, Sakhi Hassan, North Nazimabad 36674271, 36674272
M F Marriage Garden Plot No. C/19-20, Block No.18, Gulberg, F.B. Area 677823
AI-Mehmil D-1, Block L Near Taimuria Library, North Nazimabad 36642167 , 36645424
Ahbab Garden F-70, Lucknow Housing Society, Off Korangi Road, Korangi 35050285
Queen's Garden F-15/7, Nazimabad No.4, Near A.O. clinic, Nazimabad 620045
Classic Inn D-10, Block F, North Nazimabad 36646002
Dream Land Garden Plot No. C-124, Sector No.31 , Sub Sector F, Darusalam Society, Korangi 35050439
Galaxy Tower Block-3, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan Chowrangi, Gulshan-e-Iqbal 465863

Nighat Palace Karachi

Nighat Palace is trusted for exceptional Wedding Halls services. Conveniently located at Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. For any inquiries, you can reach or contact through their 34982720 or send a fax. Nighat Palace dedicated team is also available via email to assist with all your needs. Discover all the important detail about Nighat Palace and explore more Wedding Halls in Karachi.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Contact Number of Nighat Palace?

You can reach out to Nighat Palace via phone at 34982720, send a fax or email for any inquiries or assistance.

Where is Nighat Palace located?

The location of Nighat Palace is at Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, making it convenient for you to access or visit physically.

How do I contact Nighat Palace?

You can reach Nighat Palace customer service through Whatsapp, phone number which is 34982720, email, or their official website's FAQ or contact us section section.

What is the WhatsApp number for Nighat Palace?

The WhatsApp number or customer service number of Nighat Palace is 34982720. You can use this number for any assistance or inquiries related to Nighat Palace.

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