(Erum Haroon, karachi)

Pakistan is an underdeveloped country, however, there is a prime issue from which a country suffers (which is based on Islamic norms and believes) and concerning specifically the environment, is garbage. Poverty, corruption, education, women rights, terrorism, all of them are leading and governmental issues but garbage is a global issue, spread by people living in the society. Dealing with garbage removal requires a more comprehensive solution than just collecting and treating it. It is one of the biggest issues in Pakistan and around the globe. The world’s population is increasing rapidly; the majority of countries is facing this problem and need to put in place a long-term political solution to deal with it. It is not an easy task, but it is necessary to devise sustainable global plan. All countries of the world are classified into 1 of the 3 categories: developed economies, economies in transition and developing economies.
When it comes to junk, Karachi is the king of the trash heaps according to World Bank. Garbage situation of Karachi is getting from evil to eviler, day-by-day. Open sewage drains and garbage dumps are rising to many injurious and harmful diseases. Karachi is the financial hub of Pakistan but unfortunately, there is no one to take responsibility of this city. People of Karachi does not want to read about the city’s sanitation situation in newspaper, because they are practically observing it on daily basis.

Because of miss management, citizens are irritated and they need some solution for this problem through which they can handle it by themselves. Mayor Karachi Waseem Akhtar began 100-days campaign to clean the city but no sign of improvement.

According to report, published in express tribune says that: “solid waste is a treasure, don’t waste it”. The question is who is responsible to collect this treasure from our roads?

According to a seminar conducted at University of Karachi, Dr. Nasiruddin Khan, senior faculty member of the University of Karachi (Chemistry Dept.) exposed the health hazards occurred because of garbage. He included that burning of garbage means release of toxic nitrogen oxides, Sulphur oxides, volatile organic chemicals and polycyclic organic matter. Moreover, burning plastic also releases heavy metals and toxic chemicals such as dioxin. No check exists on this, people exposed to these generally complain of eye and nose irritation, breathing difficulties, coughing, and headaches. Improper disposal of hospital waste contributes to spreading of dangerous diseases like Hepatitis A, B and C, chicken pox, AIDS, typhoid, etcetera.

According to Shabbar, around 12,000 tons of waste is produce per day in the city. A figure postulated to rise to 16,000 tons by 2020. “Very few people know that only 9,500 tons of trash is picked up and around 2,500 tons is left on the streets,” he said.

“Even the garbage that is being picked up is sent to landfill sites such as Jam Chakro and Ibrahim Hyderi, where it is burned to pollute the environment,” said Shabbar. “A large chunk of the collected waste is directly dumped into our drainage systems and even into the sea, due to which our marine and coastal ecosystems are being polluted,” he lamented.

Some everyday jobs are on citizen’s shoulders as well, i.e. if the garbage bin will be located in every corner of the street and if the people do not split trash in society or on roads and use dustbins then it would help in keeping the city clean. We just need to recognize the core reason of the issue. If the people know then it will surely help in making Karachi clean once again, but with the support of faithful city administration. Karachi needs severe attention and it is a matter of great concern for higher authorities. Sindh government should look into the matter and take some proper steps to make Karachi clean and beautiful.
Recommendations and Solutions:
v The government should approve a law (as a law approved in California) regarding stop throwing things out.
v People should Use less packaging.
v Trashcan should be place at street corner.
v Government should recycle trash in a proper way. (as Us communities recycle actively)
v Turning waste material into raw material.
v Recycling centers. The community provides the center itself and encourages residents to drop off or sell refuse materials there.
v Green waste diversion and composting programs. Leaves, grass clippings, and other organic waste materials are composed and use to enrich soil.
v Stop burning garbage because it can generate air pollution.
v Avoid paper towels in household chores.
v Use recycling bag instead of plastic bags.
v Avoid plastic cups, plates and glass because it will increase in garbage.
v Rewarding municipalities that effectively adopt the regulations municipalities will receive funds for every ton of waste.

Erum Haroon
About the Author: Erum Haroon Read More Articles by Erum Haroon: 2 Articles with 1010 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.