Zero Calories Foods, Best Choice for Weight Loss

(Dr.Waseem Razaq, )

When we eat, our body needs energy to digest that food, and when our body use more calories to digest foods than they provide in calories the foods are called to be zero calories foods. In other words, a food is considered “zero-calorie” when the calories burned through its consumption and digestion are less than or equal to the total calories in the food itself. Put simply, if a mushroom only has five calories but your body expends 10 calories digesting it, it’s a zero-calorie food.

These foods are very good when are included in a diet for weight loss as they are not adding significant number of calories to our body but we will get a lot of micro nutrients like vitamins and minerals. These foods are also high in fiber and water and loaded with antioxidants. If you are doing planning for getting rid of extra body fat, start adding a few zero-calorie foods in your plate while you are having your meals, initially start including zero calories food to your daily meals up to 30 %, you can increase this amount up to 50 %. Through this simple and easy way, you would be able to limit your consumption of fatty and caloric foods and can go a long way toward helping you lose that extra weight.

Below is a list of foods with almost zero calories:
1. Cucumber: 100 gm of cucumber contains just 10 calories. Cucumbers have a large number of polyphenols (substances loaded with antioxidants and a number of other health benefits). Cucumbers are also loaded with vitamins B. Cucumbers are great for the digestive system as have significant amount of water and fibers.
2. Eggplant/ Brinjal: 100 gm of brinjal contains 20 calories. They contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 and are also loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols. Iron and copper are top listed minerals present in brinjals.
3. Apples: 100 gm of apple contains only 52 calories. Apple is one of the healthiest fruits having antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Pectin is also present in apple; it also provides a good amount of water and fiber.
4. Beetroots: 100 gm of Beetroot contains only 30 calories having a number of essential minerals, vitamins and plant compounds. Folate, potassium, iron and manganese are important micro nutrients
5. Melons: 100 gm of water melon contains 30 calories, 100 gm of cantaloupe contains 34 calories. All types of melons are very hydrating and loaded with vitamins and minerals, melons also contain antioxidants.
6. Carrots: 100 gm of carrots contains 40 calories. Carrots are good for eye health and are also natural diuretics they help in digestion and reduce inflammation.
7. Cabbage: 100 gm of cabbage contains only 21 calories. Cabbage is loaded with fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
8. Tomatoes: 100 gm of tomatoes contains only 17 calories. Tomatoes contain a high quantity of lycopene which is cancer fighting agent and also helpful against heart disease. A large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants are also present in tomatoes.
9. Cauliflower:100 gm of cauliflower contains 31 calories with a large quantity of antioxidants and fiber.
10. Mushrooms:100 gm of white mushroom contain 20 calories. Mushrooms are loaded with vitamin D and vitamins B.
11. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables: These vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with very low calories for example: 100 gm of spinach contains just 10 calories, celery, lettuce, mustard leaves and many other leafy vegetables are included in this group.
12. Broth: One cup of broth contains 7-12 calories depending on the type of broth I.e. chicken, beef, mutton and vegetable broth.
13. Grape Fruit: There are 52 calories in half a grapefruit with a number of vitamins and antioxidants. Certain compounds in grapefruit may also decrease cholesterol levels and increase metabolism.
14. Lemon: Lemon is full of vitamin C, juice of one lemon will give approx. 11 calories.
15. Herbal Teas and Black Coffee: Most herbal teas have zero to very few calories, while black coffee has only 2 calories per cup
Turnips. Radish, Zucchini, Apricots, Papaya, Strawberry, Kale, Leaks, Onion, Green Beans, Bell Peppers and Garlic are also almost zero calories foods.
So, start adding zero-calorie foods in your plate while you are having your meals. Eventually work your way up to a 30% to 50% content in your daily meals and you will be going to see amazing improvements to your health. This simple way, will limit your consumption of fatty and caloric foods and can go a long way toward helping you lose that extra weight.


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Dr. Waseem Razaq
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