Current state of Education in Pakistan

(Ifra Khan, )

Current state of Education in Pakistan.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest .”
Me IFRA khan wants few minutes of everyone for learning my thoughts about education in Pakistan .
As we know we are not well developed country like US and China but we are also not less educate, we just need to focus on some areas to develop them.
Yes, I am a Pakistani my dream is to see my country well developed in future; whatever we have achieved is not enough for being a successful country but we can be and no doubt we are doing efforts to make it top developed country but for this we have to solve few problems as well.

I will discuss about the current state of education in Pakistan that what I feel and think about development and will also share my opinion that how can we get rid of problems and what should we do.

Pakistan is facing a serious challenge to ensure all children the progress has been slow to improve education indicators in Pakistan. An estimated 22.8 million children aged 5-16 are out of school.
I really feel bad against this system because no one tries to write words upon this serious situation but I request to all of you please open your eyes we need to see around that what’s happening.
“Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who Prepare for it today.”

According to UNESCO, the over all ration of literacy is only 68% in 2018 and in 2017 it was 59% but you will glad to hear in 2020 it has been increased , which is 73.3% but according to me it’s not enough and the fact is we still need to focus on some slow-witted areas of Pakistan .

I daily observe many small and young generation those are working and aren’t studying but sadly even
No one thinks they are future stars but we are atomic power country we have connections with well developed countries its good but if we will not work on further and well qualified system of education so, maybe it would be end soon.

I have more words regarding this issue but I would like to stop my pen with some points that what should we do for the development of Pakistan.

• Government needs to table talk meeting for this serious issue.
• Government should provide free and compulsory quality education to children of the age group 5-16 years.
• Government should take some fund for the education system.

Those who think, for being a rich man study doesn’t matter so, I will suggest them .
“Education is the powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
So, if you are a only rich you can’t change the world maybe you can only change yourself but if you are a educated you can change the world .

• It is the duty of every citizen studying hard and by heart.
• Co- operate with the government if they provide Facilities so get and honestly learn.
• Don’t waste your time a good learner knows about the value of time.
As a citizen of Pakistan I feel lack of education in my country and I get hurt because I know study is power without getting educationwe cant stay long here against developed countries, if we want to stand side by side nations so, wehave to get education then no one can defeat us.

So, these are the basic issues what I think about, and I hope these issues will sort out soon with the help of government and the co- operation of People .

Remember one thing ,

Ifra Khan
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