(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

“Why do you want to have an account opened here? How much money will you pay for the opening of the account? Will you deposit some money now or later? How much money will you deposit every month?” These and other similar questions were being asked to my father at Bank Al-Habib recently when he happened to have an account opened! This state of affairs more or less could be faced at various banks when a person goes to open an account! Asking a lot of questions seems to be so strange that a person feels himself a criminal as the police are inquiring or interrogating him about some crimes!

On the other hand, shortage of staff at the bank has further worsened the situation. Just two people sit at two different counters for receiving deposits, bills, making drafts and performing various tasks that usually take place in banks! It is a pity that State Bank of Pakistan has given some instructions to all the banks in Pakistan that are unfortunately not being followed properly!

The State Bank of Pakistan has instructed that every bank is bound to open the account of every Pakistani citizen who possesses National Identity Card (NIC). Also the banks cannot demand any money of the person who needs his account to be opened at any bank in Pakistan! These instructions are usually placed in frames and attached with walls usually at banks but unfortunately no banks follow these instructions! A questionnaire is ready for the new comers and people are bothered to answer these questions! It is obvious that a person surely opens an account because he wants to save money. However, the first question is “Why do you want to open an account here?” This is definitely ridiculous!

Also the banks open accounts unless a person deposits some money at the time of opening of the account! Approximately the condition of all the banks is status quo unfortunately!

Apart from this situation, the ATM machines are usually found out of order! As Eid-ul-Azha is in the offing and people have to buy sacrificial animals, they are unable to fulfill their positive intentions due to the ATM machines that are already not functioning! Not only the citizens but the traders of sacrificial animals are suffering from this state of affairs and they are waiting for clients to buy their animals for coming Eid but it seems difficult to alleviate their headache due to ATM machines that are out of order!

In this regard, the State Bank of Pakistan should immediately take stern actions against the banks that are not functioning properly and warn them to strictly follow its instructions! Furthermore, all the banks should be restricted to repair ATM machines forthwith and provide special reliefs to the customers in view of coming Eid!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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