Samsung Galaxy SIII sales Increased After iPhone 5

(Usama Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

Samsung Galaxy SIII has shown some increase in its sales since the last few weeks. People were thinking with the long queues of iPhone 5 and the pre-order sales of new smart phones that Samsung will certainly get a blow to its Galaxy SIII sales; however, this is not really true so far. Despite of iPhone 5 announced on 12 September and Samsung losing $1 billion patent verdict in the late August the sales of Galaxy SIII has not been hit anyhow, however a rise has been noticed.

Localytics, which notices what kinds of smartphones access mobile applications using its mobile analytics, has revealed that they have noticed a rise of 9% in average sales of Samsung Galaxy SIII since the first week of August. The number of new Galaxy SIII has also grown up to 16% after the twin blows from Apple.

According to the news article posted on BGR, they think Apple has actually helped Samsung in getting a sort of free publicity; those who were not aware of Galaxy SIII started noticing the device after those couple of issues. They further think that those issues made people to think that Samsung phones were even close enough to Apple’s. If this analysis is correct then saying ironically like BGR that Samsung will definitely want to get sue a couple of times a year.

[This article was originally published on]

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