Only a Lip Service

(Mohammad Rafique, Dera nawab Sabib)

Every year, when the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal comes, a particular Muslims class celebrate the birth day of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Processions are taken out and conferences, seminars held on this occasion where various aspects of the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are highlighted. But it is a disputed issue whether the celebration of birth day of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) or “Eid Meladun Nabi” is lawful or not? None of the companions (R.A.) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) celebrated the birth day of him as it is celebrated now-a-days. But there is no example of it even after passing six centuries of the Muslim era. Celebration of the birth day began in India at first by a particular Muslim sect (Brailvees) as taking out procssions in the markets.

But, despite all of this, the question is: whether we have changed our lives according to the teachings of Islam?. Whether we are acting upon the “Uswa-e-Hasana” of the Holy Prophet. Whether there is not any betray, dishonesty, food adulteration, obscenity or bribery etc. in our society? Surely, all these “fair qualities” are found in us. Then there no need to celebrate ‘Eid Meeladun-Nabi’ by taking out processions or holding seminars etc. Is it not only a lip service? No doubt that it is very blessed and a pleasant day for the Muslim community but the correct way to celebrate it: is to act upon the good example of the Holy Prophet(May peace and Mercy of Allah be upon him).

Mohammad Rafique
About the Author: Mohammad Rafique Read More Articles by Mohammad Rafique: 6 Articles with 9851 views I am a true Sunni Muslim and want to serve Islam and the Muslimeen. May God Give us "Taufeeq" to do so.Ameen... View More