Road Safety

(Syed Hussain Mosavi, karachi)

All accidents are preventable,if we all do our bit and become accountable. Roads, foot Path, bridges , crash barrers, Signages, Reflective boards, are all part of a careful "Safe Road" design. Education both in schools and offices, training school children, motorists, an attitude of "Never walk Past' an unsafe behaviour or area but alert and correct should be the new Mind set. Hazard identification and taking corrective action, all these are duties of Public and the Authorities. Every meeting and school assembly Must start with a safety Moment. Compliance and Punishmnet for violations including Drink and drive Must be swift . Name and shame the traffic violators is also required. We as a nation Must become safety concious. 'Safety begins with Me' Must be the attitude. Every TV news broadcast Must begin with a safety Moment.India Must become a safe country. Other wise all the economic progress is a waste, many would die in safety related accidents. Enlightened Papers like TOI can start a safety campaign with a daily safety tip at the Top of the paper. yours in safety...

Syed Hussain Mosavi
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