My Favourite Personality

(Muhammad Asif Ansari, )

In this world every one has ideal to whom he/she likes the most and tries to imitate we can say it the imaginative icon this liking evolves just because of being inspired by the ideal . MY FAVOURITE PERSONALITY is my sweetest mother by whom I got utmost inspiration at every walk of life.


UNAMBIGUOUSLY Allah loves to man kinds to the great extent we cannot assess at any cost ,the love of Allah as it is more than the extremity of our thinking the things which are concealed and the things which are exposed Allah knows very well.

A great number of times the question arises in our mind that who is the true lover and who is deceptive the answer is very easy the great personality of this world is MOTHER and she has most true as well immeasurable love in her most lenient heart for the child and in her love there seems no symptoms of interest or any selfishness.

MOTHER s SACRIFICES The affection of mother is really a great bestowal and evidence for human beings .Mother selflessly sacrifices each and every thing for the comforts of her child as well her sound sleep and adolescence before the time ,she never cares of hazards and jeopardize her life for the safety of her child .

Mother takes the burns and sits under the scorching sun but never lets the heat hit on the body of her infant .In fact all the angels give the guarantee of mothers love declaring that it is based for no gain or any bias .

Once Hazrat Muhammad said to his companion that Listen O people you can not return fully or compensate the love of your mother if you make a lot of holy rounds beside the Holy Kaba lifting your mother on your soldier even then the love of your mother will be surely in upper hand and more paramount by all aspects
Now we can make out how sacred the love of mother is !

Allah says that I love my human beings 90 times more than a mother loves why did Allah gave the example of mother because Allah knows mother s love is exemplary and most truthful by all means, it is the love which is very transparent like crystal.

PAINFUL BITING INCIDENT Before reading it I hope your eyes will be full of tears please keep handkerchief around you in order to blink away your tears Listen!

An adolescent young man fell in love with a beautiful girl that was an infatuation and passion with fervor of blooming youth we can call it purposeless craze ,one day his female amorist or lover said to him O Young man if you love me lots lots tell me what can you do for me ? The young man replied every thing you just express before me ok said girl because she wanted brush off and riddance of young man.
The foolish and shrewd girl said if you love me bring the heart of your mother ,it was a shocking and tyrannical task but the eccentricity of love has completely made the young man senseless and insane ,he entered his home and called his mother who was then cooking sweet cake for her beloved son but she did not know the nefarious and filthy intentions/ volitions of his stupid son when the young man saw that his mother is absorbed in cooking took the knife out from the drawers quietly and stabbed or lacerated in the back of his mother, soon mother fell down, the son open her stomach with the sharp knife and got her heart out what was the scene oh God! he never thought for awhile what he is doing .

Soon after the young man ran amuck towards the home of his lover he could not maintain the balance and fell down on the ground the heart too dropped a step away from him, the young man came close to it for taking in hand again but all of sudden a voice arose with an echo from the heart Oh Son are you ok ? there was restlessness in the voice I hope you did not get a single bruise or wound! May Allah save you -------oh my GOD! Such a love the young man reached at lovers home she had left for other unknown city and left a letter for him with these contents O my sweet friend love was not bilateral it was just unilateral I love my cousin and soon we will get married the task which I had given to you that was merely funny and out of the question, any sensible person can not hurt his mother a little, thinking that you will not accomplish this awful task and thus you will ignore chasing me . I DON’T LOVE YOU AND DIDN’T IN PAST+WILL NOT IN FUTURE

The cursed Youngman was now alone with his never-ending tears , frustration and deprivation of devout affection of MA MA LISTEN MAA US KHOBSURAT PHOOL KA NAAM HEH JIS KAY PIYAR KI MEHAK HAMMARAY DUKHOY KA MARHAM HEH

Mothers love is eternal and its depth is fathomless this love is unconditional

Muhammad Asif Ansari
About the Author: Muhammad Asif Ansari Read More Articles by Muhammad Asif Ansari: 6 Articles with 27064 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.