Misapprehension about Empyreal creatures of ALLAH(Angels)

(Rana S Zia Chachar., Khushab)

Some days before i had read the history of Hazrat Adam (A.S) on an islamic website.i don't want to divulgence that website name over here. i was feeling so gloomy after reading that, and i felt encumbrance on my heart. so the actual purpose is to disburden myself and share the right and true thing with my Muslim community and i will try my best to clear the misapprehension about angels. becoz i never write any article for clarifying the islamic or society boners. its my first one and i hope that i will share my best thought with all of you.

first of all what is the misapprehension about angels?

according to that website angels are less intelligent they don't have mind to think and also due to this flaw they did not tell the names of all those things which Hazrat Adam (A.S) had told.



According to QURAN (s.Bakra-verses30) adduced that they have power to think because if they don't have mind than how they said that humans will create bloodshed on earth. Because Hazrat Adam(A.S) was the First human Being, first man created first time and the First prophet of ALLAH Almighty. and no man has created before him.


Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has received the Divine revelation through Angel. (Hazrat Jibraeel A.S).


They are very honest because they are writing our deeds. without knowledge this is not possible.

if angels don't knew the names than it does not mean that they are not intelligent and they don't have power to learn.

picture it this way, lets take an example, its my own life. i am living in a v small village. My parents are very kind and loving and according to my francy they are the best parents in the world because its strange and praiseworthy that i m using unlimited postpaid internet connection in a village only because of my parents. May ALLAH bless them with healthy life. you people better know the condition of our villages. and this type of facility is only a dream so i am very grateful to ALLAH for having such a nice parents n these facilities never use a computer in my whole life. so a person who never know the function of a simple computer and parents gifted him with a brand new Laptop. to be very honestly when first time i saw this thing i even don't know its name. i even did not know how to turn on. so if i don't known this new thing than it does not mean that i am not intelligent or lack of mind or i don't have power to learn or think. or i am an illiterate person. it was a new thing for me so i did not know how to operate it. like this example angles are the best creatures. very much intelligent. and they have power to learn and understand. all those things were new for angles so they did not know their names.


Rana S Zia Chachar.
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