Blessings are the gift of Allah

(Shafaq Asif, Rawalpindi)

When we look into our surroundings we have so many questions in our mind and it forces us to think about his creator. All over the earth which holds the sky above, the green trees the colorful flowers the rain due to which the crops are harvested and we get benefited .These colors of life are the creation of Allah (SWT) who is the most beneficent .Allah has made these things for man so that he will be thankful to HIM or he will praise HIS creation. The best way to thanks the creator is to share his blessings to others like by giving zakat to poor people. This is the way of sharing your blessing of wealth. Similarly Allah has given us ears for hearing so that we hear his name and get comfort. He has given us the tongue to do dhikar which is purifying hearts and is essential for the peace of mind and soul. A man is not thankful to ALLAH he always want more than the given one.

A man should be thankful to Allah in every situation whether it is good or the bad one because Allah always gives u better if you are asking for a flower HE will have a bouquet of flowers for you. So in every ups and downs of life a man should always be thankful to ALLAH. Don’t stress yourself upon the things which you don’t have, appreciate the things which you have and be thankful to Allah who has given you this high status as to be grateful is better than greatness. To serve the people is a good deed as ALLAH forgives those who devotes their selves in the service of mankind and takes this deed into their favor on the last day.

Whatever is in our hearts, is not hidden. HE knows everything what are you doing or what are not; if you remember Allah you will be in peace and it also the cause of Allah’s attention. These blessings gives us peace and motivation to do something like if you are doing some new thing and you are admired on it then this is the gift of ALLAH and this gives you motivation to do more work on that task. So every task we made , whatever we do is the blessing of Almighty Allah who makes us able to do that task. We are human beings and usually look at the negative things in any issue. We should go to the positive aspects of the issue.People should tell everyone to do tobah as it purifies the soul and liked by Almighty ALLAH.ALLAH is great he did not punish us directly on our sins HE gives many many chances to return back and do good deeds ,if a person is continuously doing sins Allah will give “HADAYAT” that is for his betterment and this is the blessing of Almighty upon his creatures as He loves us.

Blessings are the gift of Allah to HIS creatures as HE loves us more than a mother and we should always thankful upon HIS gratefulness that HE bestowed upon us. Being a human being we should be careful in doing deeds. We should take care in our attitudes in doing some deeds , if you commit the sin you must seek forgiveness today, not tomorrow as there is no guarantee for tomorrow. May ALLAH forgive our sins before we take our last breath .Amen

Shafaq Asif
About the Author: Shafaq Asif Read More Articles by Shafaq Asif: 10 Articles with 7006 views Love your life it is the gift of ALLAH.If u have life you are fantastic... View More