Who is to blame for this suicidal act???

(Ambreen Fatima, Karachi)

It was 1st September and Tuesday morning I was watching TV when suddenly a TV channel flashed news regarding sad suicidal act of a 16 years-old Nurose, who after shooting dead his 15 years-old Fatima basher female class mate, committed a suicide by shooting himself in the head.

This sad incident took place at the school venue situated in” Patel Para “inside the class when the students and teachers were busy in the daily morning assembly session.
Police source said that, The boy and girl were reportedly having affair and the incident was apparently a mutually agreed upon activity as” Their parents had not allowed them to get married”. Since it was an extreme act SO SHOCKING! Series of question started arising I my mind. Why they did they opt for such an extreme step? What were the circumstances that made them opt for this suicidal act? How did they get access to the weapon (Pistol)? Who is responsible?

I must quote here “A roof of disappointment comes from holding expectations”. They were emotionally attached but at such an immature age, such things are common and growing rapidly in our society question is, why the parents were so detached from their children’s to know about the exact mental state of their children.
Many parents don’t see themselves and their relationships as external influences on children. In truth, children who experience parental conflict are often at a higher risk for a number of psychological and behavioral problems.

The behavioral problems are more likely to occur in children whose parents have differing opinions on parenting style. For example, if one parent is very strict and the other lets the children do anything they want, it can lead to disagreements as well as confusion on the part of the children. But even when disagreements aren’t over parenting issues, excessive parental conflict still hurts children. With little bit understanding, they must have made their children understand about” What is right and wrong in the situation they were in.!! “

It is also to be mentioned as to when Nurose updated his Face Book status, hinting at a notice of the situation and apprised his parents about it.

Actually, teenagers are usually emotional but parents should have open communication with teens so that they can openly discuss their issues with them. If there is open discussion and parents authorities not outright harsh and commanding, extreme steps from the teens can be avoided.

Our society id deeply steeped in violence and acts of deprivations which have a negative impact on the young mind .So our youth need counseling in every aspect, way of living, of decision making. We all want our children to grow up to become happy, healthy adults who contribute to the world. We also want to maintain a good relationship.

Parents should keep an eye on the activities of their children and should make them understand about the difference between movies and real life.

They should not leave them to watch violent movies, playing fighting games at such a tender age, hang outs with friends, and indulge in uncalled for outdoor activities.
I feel, children are very sensitive at the age of 15-16, they are very reception and after watching violent movies and games they start identifying themselves with the film heroes and start imitating them in real life. At this tender age, they feel are challengers, can do anything; can bring the mountain to the land, Can touch the stars and what not!!

They don’t know the difference between right or wrong, sometimes become very aggressive at petty things but it is the duty of the parents to handle them with care at this stage of the life. So I must appeal to all parents to give time to children of age, keep an eye on their activities and make them understand through open discussion in polite way, “ life is not bed of roses “.

Being a daughter; I can feel the pain of parents. No parents on the earth want that their child die like this . I saw a mother of this minor girl on TV , she was not ready to believe the news of her daughter’s death an crying in be wilderness and what about the father of the victim boy ‘Nurose” how many plans he must have made for his son , waiting for him fully grow and become his right hand..!!

One can imagine his pain when he must have got his son’s “GOODBYE ”note . It is so GRIFFEY.

Ambreen Fatima
About the Author: Ambreen Fatima Read More Articles by Ambreen Fatima: 8 Articles with 5658 views A journalist, Freelance , Columnist, Writer , Wing President of NGO... View More