Two and Two Makes—“One”

(Muhammad Rafique Etesame, Ahmedpureast)


Allah the high Exalted and the most high is the absolutely one and having no partner as the holy Qur’an reveals,” Say He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally besought of all. He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him” (Al-Ikhlas). He created the entire living creation by two parts i.e. body and the soul. Likewise, when we see towards the entire inventions made by human beings, they are also made of by at least two parts i.e. body and machinery. Like the engine of a car, bus or aircraft etc., or body and ‘soul’; electricity is as the soul of all electronics like motor, iron or tube light etc. Then every machinery consists of more than two parts and the entire parts move by fixing into each other and making a “chain” of two and two.

In short, Allah is the One the Aliving and the Eternal, Established by His own power not by other’s help or back, and except Him, the entire creation is made of by two parts or pairs as, male female, matter and appearance, atom and surface etc . The holy Qur’an reveals,” He Who created all the pairs, and appointed for you ships and cattle whereupon ye ride”. (Az-Zukhruf: 12)

But this universe is also created by the two parts i.e. by the Heaven and the Earth as the holy Qur’an reveals,” Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth, Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient. Then He ordained them seven heavens in two days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; (Hameem As-Sajdah: 11) (See The Big Bang Theory).

According to the commentators, Allah intended to create the universe by meeting the Heaven and the Earth, when they met willingly. The Earth heated up by the Sun and it created steam that rose up to the heaven and clouds were created by it and then it rained. It brought forth from the earth grain and other production for the life of human being.

Look, how great the oneness of Allah is! That except Him, there is the system of two and two in the entire creation.

Another notable thing is: every single part of the two (of the creations or inventions) is compulsory to other one for its existence and working. For example, body of an animal or human being is compulsory and inevitable to its soul, just as the soul is compulsory to the body. Both are useless and nothing without each other. Same is the situation in the body and machinery, as the body is useless without machinery or engine and machinery is useless without its body; after meeting or joining the two, a “complete one” comes into being. If we suppose body and soul two units, then it can be said that one unit cannot exist without other one; it means if the one is not, then other one will also be is not.

Likewise, necessity and invention are the two parts or two units of a one. Because “necessity is the mother of invention.” So the humankind has been created only for the worship of Allah the most high as the holy Qur’an reveals,” I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Lo! Allah! He is that giveth livelihood, the Lord of Unbreakable might”. (Az-zariyat: 58)

It is to be noted here that only the worship will be accepted that was done according to the teachings of Islam as the holy Qu’an reveals, “And whoso seeketh as religion other then the Surrender (to Allah)(Al-Islam), it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.”(Family of Imran:85).

Therefore, worship is necessity and man is the invention for it, both are as the “two units” and compulsory for each other’s and it is universal truth that if the invention does not meet to its necessity, then it is thrown in the garbage or in the rubbish heap. Just as if the man meets to his necessity that is worship; then he will remain useful and reward able in the sight of Allah and will be given the high reward as the holy Qur’an reveals,” Whosoever doth right, whether male or female, and is a believer, him verily We shall quicken with good life, and We shall pay them a recompense in proportion to the best of what they used to do” (An-Nahal: 97). And,” A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of milk whereof the flavor changeth not, and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers, and rivers clear-run honey, therein for them is every kind of fruit, with pardon from their Lord.” (Mohammad: 15)

And if he does not, then a painful doom will be his fate and he will be “dead” as the holy Qur’an reveals, And they sought help (from their Lord) and every forward potentate was brought to naught; Hell is before him, and he is made to drink a festering water which he sippeth but can hardly sallow, and death cometh unto him from every side while yet he cannot die, and before him is a harsh doom.” (Ibrahim: 17)

So if the man (a unit) wants to be living and successful forever, then he should make concern to his other unit i.e. the worship of God, otherwise he will be dead forever. May Allah give us power to do so.

Muhammad Rafique Etesame
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