Slaming women on roads karachi

(Dr natasha, Ivano frankivsk ukraine)

People are being robbed on daily basis (women) in khi are under so much fear of moving out in day light as well.. recently my own sister was robbed in traffic jam her purse was stolen with all money cash cards and her phone the whole worth was almost 1 lac and above tht the thieves slapped her as well how much more lawlessness is going to increase in Karachi where is the police where is the law where is humanity just a simple question where are people .. women are being attacked women are being kidnapped harassed murdered raped tortured is this khi or No1 worst cities in the world ..

This incident took place at safoora chauk two days back and apparently just 50meters from the rangers check post ...

Rangers police army political parties and who so ever is out there wake up before ur own families get to face Wat all women are facing day to day in Karachi

Dr natasha
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