White Collar Crimes And Role Of Judiciary In The Country Today

(Karamat Hussain Janjua, Islamabad)

The role of judiciary became the object of discussion when, almost a year ago in particular and upon promulgation of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 in general, several top leaders and bureaucrats of the country were arraigned and made to face trials in various courts of the country on different charges involving huge amounts of public money. Every country stands safe on three important pillars that sustain it – the political leadership, the executive machinery and the judicial system. Each of these three systems is not only complementary to the other two but is also a sort of watchdog to ensure that the other two systems do not go astray. The judicial system, however, enjoys the top position because it is almost independent of the control of the other two systems. The judiciary, as per the various articles in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 of this country, has been given wide powers. An attempt has been made by the founding father of the Country and constituent Assembly in the Constitution to provide full autonomy to the judiciary so that the process of meeting out justice to one and all is free and fair since the very inception.

The system of judicial controls has been going on in a very satisfying manner ever since partition of sub-continent in 1947. Justice in this country can be delayed but it is never denied. Everybody is free to approach the courts whenever he or she feels that he or she is being deprived of his or her rights as a citizen of Pakistan. A provision has been made for providing legal assistance to those who are too poor to pay and fees to the lawyers in offences involving capital punishment . Justice has thus been brought within the reach of one and all.

Many a time it is seen that some undesirable elements try to misuse the legal process to either circumvent justice or to delay the process in such a way that delayed justice only amounts to the denial of justice. The judicial system of the country is certainly vested with remedies for such situations but many a time the sufferers are not aware of these remedies.

The role of judiciary was brought into focus when several cases and scams involving VIPs and VVIPs were brought to light either by the FIA, NAB or through some public interest litigations. Some startling or political positions to defraud the public and pocketed huge sums of money running into thousands of crores. Prominent amongst the scams that were brought to light were leveled against the top leadership of the land. In fact, the cases are investigated by FIA, NAB, Police and other agencies but prosecution rest in sitting governments. There are many loopholes in the working of investigating agencies and when they build up nexus with prosecution , the courts of the country left with no option but to set at liberty those offenders because of the poor collected evidence against the offenders. Instances can be quoted of rental power case, worldwide scam of fake degrees case involving Exact in Pakistan. In recent past as per investigative report of “The News” ISLAMABAD published on 11.08.2017 : Out of 175 mega corruption cases, which the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) had shared with the Supreme Court in 2015, investigation into a total of 14 high profile cases has been closed by the Bureau.

The cases dropped so far include those involving Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, KP former chief minister Aftab Sherpao, ex-ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani, former PPP minister and presently PTI leader Firdous Ashiq Awan and Mehrangate-linked Yunis Habib.

As per the announced policy of the NAB, each inquiry/investigation was to be either closed or converted into a reference but it could not be done in most of these high profile cases including those being probed against some leading politicians including Nawaz Sharif, Chaudhry Shujaat, etc.

Through in-house reformation process, the NAB in early 2015 limited the discretionary powers of its regional chiefs and director generals to end the past practices of blackmailing, witch-hunting and political victimisation and decided that a complaint against any politician, bureaucrat, individual etc would either be dropped or converted into a reference within ten months.

Under the same policy, the regional chiefs as well as the authorities concerned at the NAB headquarters were given two months time to complete the process of complaint verification. It was said if the complaint was verified and had “prima facie evidence”, it would be converted into inquiry otherwise it would be thrown in the dustbin. For the completion of inquiry, the NAB authorities are given four months time during which they need to get hold of incriminating evidence.

It was decided that in case the required evidence was obtained during the four-month inquiry process, it would be converted into “investigation”. In the case of non-availability of “incrementing evidence”, the inquiry would be dropped. However, in most of the high profile cases the set deadlines could not be met.
According to the details as available on NAB’s official website, inquiry against Younus Habib into HBL willful loan default has been settled after the recovery of Rs3 billion by the bank. Investigation against Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao into $1 million alleged corruption case was closed in 2015.

Inquiry against Firdous Ashiq Awan for alleged misuse of authority and embezzlement closed in January this year. Investigation against Ishaq Dar into allegations of misuse of authority and assets beyond means was closed in July 2016. Investigation against Husain Haqqani into alleged misuse of authority in unlawful award of licences to three private companies for establishing FM radio station in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad closed in May 2016.
Inquiry against Management of OGDCL Employees Cooperative Housing Society, M/s Faizan (Pvt) Ltd & others into fraudulent purchase of land and involving Rs600 million was closed in Oct 2015.

Inquiry into the affairs of Ministry of Housing & Works, Islamabad & others into alleged embezzlement in purchase of 3000 kanal land and development of a housing scheme was closed through settlement. FGHEF issued pay orders amounting to Rs686 million in the name of Green Tree as guarantee to start development at the site.

Inquiry against officials of CDA Islamabad and others over alleged illegal allotment of plots in Diplomatic Enclave was closed in August 2016. Inquiry against Javed Nadeem Akram, Management of Pakistan Employees Cooperative Housing Society (PECHS) & others into alleged embezzlement of society’s funds, was closed in Jan 2016.

Inquiry against Management of National Assembly Secretariat Cooperative Housing Society (NASECHS) & others into violation of approved master plan and illegal allotment of land, closed in January 2017.

Inquiry against Management of Civilian Employees Cooperative Housing Scheme (Soan Garden Phase-II) & others into alleged cheating of public at large in the garb of housing society was completed and case was referred to registrar cooperatives for necessary action in April 2016.

Inquiry against Management of Al-Falah Cooperative Housing Society, Lahore and others for alleged misuse of authority, corruption and corrupt practices into the affairs of housing society was closed.

Inquiry against Dr Sohail Shahzad, acting VC Hazara University into alleged misuse of authority in appointments closed in March 2016. Inquiry against officers/officials of Rawalpindi Development Authority and others into alleged misuse of authority in irregular award of elevator and PSD Metro Bus Project RWP-ISD was closed in December 2016.

Allegations of accumulation of huge properties and assets were leveled against Ex-Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharief. Prima facie he could not give money trail. He was de-seated from the National Assembly as well as Office of premiership few months ago in the wake of judgment of the august Supreme Court of Pakistan being not truthful and trustworthy as per the provisions of Articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution.

In the past various cases of corrupt practices came to light in defence purchases , the Housing Scam, the Banking and charges of corruption and irregularities were leveled against top leaders of the country. Even though some of these leaders succeeded and managing in proving their innocence , taking undue advantage of their high position , a majority continues to fight the legal battles with their backs to the wall. Some of those charged were arrested are put in jail. While some of them succeeded in getting released on bail, others could not. Some leaders and bureaucrats had to leave the high posts they were holding in order to prove their innocence. Others had to step down under strong public pressure. The whole country was shaken to the bones.

The entire process proved that none amongst the top leaders of the country could be labelled beyond doubt. In a situation like this, a big, powerful lobby is working in the direction of suppression of the process of natural justice or bring a bad name to the judiciary or the judicial process. It is feared that some vested interests may succeed in throttling the judiciary in some subtle manner. Some people have already started using the terms like ‘judicial activism’ and ‘judicial jingoism’ to give the wrong impression that judicial system would prove suicidal for the country.

In spite of several constraints, the judiciary continues to play its role to the best of its ability. Many corrupt leaders, politicians and officers continue to be brought before the court on various charges.

Judiciary is the only hope of the country. There is no doubt that politicians and bureaucrats have failed in their duty to give this country a clean, honest government answerable to the masses. It is judiciary alone that can assert itself and call a spade a spade without fear or favour. The law of the land must be allowed to prevail. This is possible only if the judiciary is made stronger. Quick and efficient administration of justice must be ensured to one and all. Pakistan lives only if its judicial system lives ; Pakistan dies if its judicial system is stifled. No power, however big, should be allowed to circumvent the judicial process. Free and fair justice is the soul of this country.

Our Ex-Prime Minister remained Prime Minister of Pakistan for thrice. Prior to this he remained Chief Minister of Punjab and even Finance Minister Punjab. He should have provide money trail of his assets including assets of his dependents. He should face the trial and should provide money trail instead of criticizing the august Supreme Court of Pakistan as well as Honourable Judges , otherwise he would have to face the music.


Karamat Hussain Janjua
About the Author: Karamat Hussain Janjua Read More Articles by Karamat Hussain Janjua: 14 Articles with 15394 views I am an Advocate High Court and Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan based at Rawalpindi/Islamabad Pakistan. .. View More