Pakistan Slowly becoming North Korea

(Samra Waheed, Taxila)

Pakistan, a nation of varied culture. A nation possessing beauty. A nation with a rich heritage, mountains, customs, and scenery. A country of affection and hospitality. A country founded so that individuals can live with integrity, with liberty, with harmony, and pursue their lives as they desire. Gradually becoming a state where hospitality is fading, people are fighting for survival, the economy is deteriorating, day by day life is wretched, and there is no optimism for a brighter future. Is this the Pakistan Iqbal envisioned? Is this the Pakistan Jinnah gave his life for? Is this the Pakistan for which many endured great struggles? Freedom of expression; the most essential and basic requirement of every person in a democratic nation is now incredibly difficult to obtain. Are we existing in North Korea? No, it is our Pakistan, our cherished homeland. But regrettably, the condition of our homeland is poor. The affection and attention it required, the progress it needed, were overlooked. We didn’t provide our country with what was essential for her. Pakistan and India both gained independence in 1947. India is now transitioning to a developed nation and in the near future, there are prospects of India becoming a major power as its economy is already thriving and flourishing while India is also acting as a regional power. No one dares to speak against India; foreign nations also present excellent jobs and opportunities to Indians because they possess the capacity to achieve their desires, they have the capability to demonstrate to others that they can fulfill their ambitions and improve their nation, they have the bravery to act, their foreign policy is robust, they are innovative, they don’t squander their time because their government is providing them opportunities, the citizens of India initiate new projects daily to inspire their talented generation but unfortunately, on the opposite side, Pakistan is still grappling, still existing in the 19th century, we are disintegrating, our economy is declining, we have no job prospects, no one offers employment to the unemployed unless you provide them with some incentives in return; that is how our state operates and our system as well. We don’t encourage our generation to strive for the enhancement of Pakistan; instead, those who are innovative and wish to accomplish something are often found dead the following day. Our policies are feeble. We must fortify our policies whether they pertain to foreign affairs or domestic issues. The government should grant individuals freedom of expression; they should embrace constructive criticism from the People of Pakistan. But sadly, the contrary occurs. We as Pakistanis are forbidden from voicing our opinions, and those who do are silenced. We as Pakistanis cannot write against anyone in power; if we do, we may lose our lives.

Samra Waheed
About the Author: Samra Waheed Read More Articles by Samra Waheed: 16 Articles with 12847 views I am outgoing, dedicated, and open-minded. I get across to people and adjust to changes with ease. I believe that a person should work on developing t.. View More