Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA) (Allah
bless his Soul) was born on Thursday February 1628 AD 1st Jamadi -us Sani 1102H
in Shorkot. Hazrat Sultan sahib's mother name was Hazrat Bibi Rasti Allah bless
her soul. She was a pious lady. Once she had a dream, in which she was told that
she will have a son and that she should name the child as Bahu (RA). This child
will be very pious and will become a great sufi master. He will be a wali Allah
(friend of Allah) by birth. In his childhood there was a strange light on his
face, if any none Muslims looked at his face he would recite kalima tayyiba.
Hazrat Sultan sahib (blessing of Allah be on him) has said in his books that I
and Hazrat Mohammad blessing and salutation be on him were umies (not had any
formal education). Hazrat sultan sahib stated that Allah Almighty has rewarded
him with Ilm a laduni (inspired knowledge) and there for there wasn't any desire
for formal education. At the age of thirty years Sultan sahib saw a vision, in
which he saw Hazrat Ali (Allah be pleased with him) on a horse, ordering him to
the court of Rasool Allah blessing and salutation be on him. Hazrat Sultan sahib
accompanied him to the holy court. There he was ordered to take biat (oath of
allegiance) on the hand of Rasool Allah blessing and salutation be on him (rasala
roohi). Then the Holy prophet blessing and salutation be on him ordered Hazrat
Sheikh Abdul Qader Jelani and said"here is my son and you guide him". The Sheikh
obeyed the order and accepted Sultan sahib as his Disciple. That is how Hazrat
Sultan sahib and his followers are called Sarwari Qadri . Sarwari because he
took oath of allegiance on the hand of Rasool Allah blessing and salutation be
on him. Rasool Allah blessing and salutation is known as (sarwar-a-konane) the
leader of this and the other world and Qadri due to being the Disciple of Hazrat
Sheikh Abdul Qader Jelani(RA).
If anyone wants to bypass Hadrat Sheikh Abdul Qader Jelani(RA) and he is
claiming to be a sufi, he is nothing more then an impostor. Hazrat Sultan Sahib
States in Rasala Roohi; that Hazrat Muhammad (blessing and salutation be on him)
gave me divine guidance and said " Oh Bahu (RA) you are my son, go and persuade
all human being for the sake of Allah Almighty whether they are Muslim or non
Muslim, lucky or unlucky, dead or alive. How can a dead be persuaded? They could
be prayed for and Allah Almighty forgives their sins and blesses them. The other
interpretation is that the people who have destroyed or suffocated their
spirituality with their sinful life style. The duty of a true Sufi is to help
such person who has been a victim of Shaitan and nafs's(inner urges) mischief.
Hazrat Sultan sahib was ordered by Hazrat Bibi Rasti (Allah bless her soul) to
go and search for a living Sheikh from whom you could receive your spiritual
wealth. Sultan Sahib replied that I do not need a Sheikh because you are my
Sheikh. Hazrat Bibi Rasti (Allah bless he soul) said: I cannot be your Sheikh
because Hazrat Bibi Fatima (Allah be pleased with her) never took anyone as a
disciple, therefore I am unable to carry out this duty. Hazrat Sultan Sahib
visited various Sheikhs but finally took bait (oath) on the hand of Sayed Abdul
Rahman Qadri (Allah bless his soul). This incident accord in the reign of
Emperor Orangzeb Alamgir. When Sultan Sahib visited his Sheikh and the Sheikh
passed the trust to its righteous owner. One might get confused with the fact
that Sultan Sahib became disciple of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qader Jelani (RA) and
why there was a need for a living Sheikh. The answer to this is that physical
biat is equally important among Sufis and as for as a trust is concerned, if it
is placed with a living Sheikh than one has to obtain the from him. That's how
Bibi Rasti Allah bless her told Sultan sahib to find a living Sheikh. Hazrat
Sultan sahib said in his books that he had been in search for a Sheikh for forty
years and now he has been seeking a true seeker to whom he could pass spiritual
knowledge in form of Zakat for the wealth of spiritual knowledge he had
received. He said that he was unable to get such seeker of Allah in his

Hazrat Sultan sahib is well known as Sultan ul Arfeen. He far excelled
his contemporary Sufi masters and Sufi poet in Marifat elahi
(recognition of Allah). Sultan sahib has been the author of
approximately one hundred and forty books. All of them were in Farsi
beside one, Abiat a Bahu (RA) which was in Suraki poetry and it has been
translated and interpreted by Professor Sultan Altaf Ali sahib. There
have been other translations by people who didn't understood the
message, Sultan sahib was giving in his poetry. In his poetry one will
find essence of Sultan sahibs entire literature, which is unique among
all the sufi orders.
Sultan sahib further says that, he wrote these books with the permission
of Rasool Allah (blessing and salutation be on him) and if one holds any
of his book as a guide, then one will find it according to his
perception. One will find Sultan sahibs spirituality is shinning from
his books. (Saints) hearts are deeper than oceans. Their mystery is
unknown to the common people. As the oceans hide storms, fleets and
sailors, in the same way saints hid the mysteries of the whole universe.
The fourteen domains/realms (which means 7 skies and 7 lands) are
stretched out like a tent in their hearts. (Saints have such a wide and
cosmic vision of life. They are open hearted and open minded people.)
Only he can realise Allah, O Bahu, who knows the secret of the heart.