Use to Abuse

(Hafsa Naz, Karachi)

 On the 20th of May 2010,I recalled an incident in my mind which is about the use & abuse of things when a "sacrilegious" and abusive contest was allowed on the facebook which was against the Muslims' beliefs,human rights and also against the terms of use of facebook and named as a Freedom of Speech.Once upon a time,I was traveling to Lahore from Karachi in the airplane.I had a chance to meet with an American. In those days the use of Cell phone in Pakistan was at its boom. Since I am curious by nature so my curiosity persuades me to talk with him about mobile phone uses in Pakistan and America.He replied me in a taunting way that the actual use of Cell Phone is in America and in Pakistan, people are abusing cell phone. He elaborated “the purpose of cell phone is keep in approach of your colleague or social network and it is not about holding your cell phone twenty four hours in your hand and talking & paging continuously”. Again in my curious style I asked him to explain the phenomenon of use and abuse that how we the Pakistani people are abusing and American are using cell phone actually; he explained me that if someone is utilizing a thing for sake of fulfillment of a need in a constructive meanings then it is called use of that particular thing conversely if someone is utilizing a thing unnecessarily in a destructive meanings then this is called abuse of that particular thing, which again you can say that is also abuse of freedom of speech. Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 where users can add friends and send them messages and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves with clear terms of use made by facebook management that users may be "banned if they post any content that we deem to be harmful, threatening, unlawful, defamatory,infringing,abusive, inflammatory, harassing, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable”.

Posting a sacrilegious content is clearly abuse of facebook. Is not this a violation of human rights by "Draw Muhammad (P.B.U.H) day"? It can disturb the whole of the muslim world.

So called Freedom of speech's supporters are favoring this activity by naming it freedom of speech. Speaking against any religion or any culture or any nation is an abuse of freedom of speech,if speaking against any religion is freedom of speech then answer my questions

1. Why five persons were arrested on 15th of may 2010 in Poland when they made a banner of man having a long nose?Man with long nose is known as Jews symbol and they showed him as a symbol of death.

2. Why three persons were arrested on 15th may 2010 in Selwyn Baka ,a city of Greece,just because they wrote lines against Jews outside the Jews 'graveyard?

3. Why an old man who is 83 years old in the Canada was sent to jail for 6 months just because he wrote lines against Jews on a wall?

4. Why the court of Norfolk city ordered 5 years prison to Christoffer brooks on 6th of may 2010 just because he pasted 60 abusive stickers against Jews on the wall of a Church?

5. Why York University of the Canada fired a student on 1st of April 2010 who made a website against Jews and right now he is in police custody.

Why there is different law of freedom of speech for Jews and Muslims?When someone makes a cartoon against Jews, he is sent to jail but when someone makes against Muslims, he is supported not only by the western media but also by the USA government. Is not this is an abusive and discriminatory action of west? Freedom of speech doses not mean that you can speak against any religion or any culture or any nation.If someone involves in such type of activities then it would be clearly named as anti peace activity and violation of human rights,therefore, western media and facebook management should come on the board and apologize from Muslim Ummah and the creators of sacrilegious page should be sent to jail.

Hafsa Naz
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