Our Mission Corruption free Pakistan

(Sami Halepoto, Hyderabad)

Corruption is a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity" (Joe Biden).

As indicated by Transparency International, Corruption is characterized as the maltreatment of endowed force for private addition. Debasement obliterates trust, weakens popular government, impedes financial turn of events, and irritates disparity, destitution, social division, and the natural emergency. Corruption is a colossal scourge that happens in Pakistan as well as everywhere in the world. More than US$ 1 Trillion is offered in bribe consistently as per gauges by the World Bank Institute, (Reported in CSIS-Hills Survey).

Pakistan is facing the menace of corruption for several decades now. Despite many institutions and strict laws which have been enacted to make effective provisions for the prevention of corruption in public and private sectors, productive results are yet to be seen. No other institute seems to be performing its duties except NAB (National Accountability Bureau): federal institution enacted in 1999. NAB is a presumed hostile to debasement establishment that has so far recuperated a record measure of 466 BN rupees. Its conviction ratio is 68.8 percent. Currently, 1230 corruption references are under trial involving an amount of 943 BN rupees (Report Published in Dawn).

No doubt its performance has been recognized as being good by National and international organizations but NAB also crumbled its reputation due to the political and military influence. It is our incredible disaster that the low proficiency rates among Pakistani electors become the significant motivation to submit such legislators in Parliament. Due to this filth, Pakistan has ranked 120th least corrupt nation out of 180 countries. (Transparency International index 2019).

No country will survive in this modern era of globalization where corruption licks like termites. Somalia, Venezuela, Syria, Haiti, and others are the major examples in front of us. It is not countries’ geography, culture, or civilization who is responsible for its failure, but its institutions. Well known Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu once stated, "Without solid watch dog establishment, exemption turns into the route establishment whereupon frameworks of debasement are fabricated, and if exemption isn't destroyed all endeavors to welcome on end to corruption are to no end”. Although, in Pakistan, these watchdogs are totally deprived due to the political and military pressure it has to be changed now. Pakistan must take the same serious and pivotal steps to curb corruption as did Denmark in the past. Denmark remained the absolute monarch state for a long time where blood family members used to kill each other for the desire of intensity and ravenousness. Denmark has totally changed today. Checking debasement and setting up rule of law has been on the plan of Danish standard for over 350 years. History tells, Denmark hasn't purged the menace of corruption overnight and it wasn't an easy journey to transform it but ultimately they stopped this menace (corruption) by strengthening its judicial system, restraining monarch powers, and invent a check and balance system in all forms of political and economic institutions. Today, it is situated as presumably the most cheerful country on earth. It appreciates an elevated level of pay uniformity and shows the most noteworthy per capita pay. The GDP proportion of Denmark is 49 percent around multiple times that of Pakistan. This all happened because they thought about their future generations, they realized their failures, they started every accountability firstly from themselves, and finally, they succeeded and are now enjoying the perks of the world.

In Pakistan where our government is far behind in taking major initiatives on corruption, there is a big announcement recently made by the Chief Justice of Pakistan. The CJP has considered the postponements in the settlement of NAB cases and requested the foundation of 120 new accountability courts inside a quarter of a year. To execute these requests government needs to move or name 120 new district and sessions judges. Yet, again here the inquiry emerges that in what manner will the national government complete every one of these means inside the endorsed period? Additionally, where will the public authority make budgetary designations for meeting the necessary costs? Once made structurally sound, NAB should investigate the cases of money laundering, transparently, and professionally on merit per law.

Besides these institutions, the role of citizens is also considered to be the key to the fight against corruption. In a general public whose very qualities are against corruption , residents can be troopers in battling debasement since they are playing a functioning part on the ground either inside common society organizations or using social media, Last but not least, the fantasy of a corruption-free society will stay subtle until we as residents of Pakistan diminish our debasement resistance edge, choose fair open delegates or produce the solid political will to clear out corruption from the hallowed soil of our nation.

Sami Halepoto
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