U.S. refugee policy is in tatters.

(Fawad Ali Shah, )

United states refugee resettlement policy is almost failing due to apathy of some top officials and malpractices of some officials entrusted with the task. The biggest reason is the United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, who himself was a Cuban refugee. Mayorkas migrated to the United States in 1960 due to the Cuban Revolution. The United States granted him a new identity, including citizenship. But he forgot his past as he is not interested in the welfare of refugees, his nature is such that he does not want any other refugee to come and resettle in America. The purpose for which he was assigned this post by the US President has failed. The US President Joe Biden thought that he would improve the immigration policy in the United States by electing Alejandro Mayorkas, but his decision was wrong and tantamount to insulting the refugees, which has intensified the refugee crisis around the world. Thousands of cases sent by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for resettlement in the United States are pending. Six U.S. government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Defense, the United States Intelligence Community, the Department of State, and the Department of Health and Human Services, have been assigned to screening the refugee vetting process. According to the rules and regulations, the process should take about 36 months. But now the process takes more than six years with almost no progress. These six US agencies have completely failed to complete reports on refugee cases. Because there are no experts who can give their reports or opinion on refugee cases. The same US departments have some corrupt individuals who call refugees from anonymous numbers and promise to resettle them in the United States and demand a bribe of five thousand dollars per refugee in return. When calling, they tell the applicant their case number, family data and all the information that the refugee has shared with DHS or USCIS officials during the interviews. With such calls from US agencies, many naive and forced refugees are willing to give up their savings. In the United States, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security receives a number of complaints in this regard, but instead of taking action against them, he remains silent so as not to discredit his department. The Department of Homeland Security makes big claims about eliminating immigration fraud in the United States, but it cannot eradicate the black sheep in its own organization who rob refugees showing them the dream of resettlement in the United States. I writing this column after thorough research in this regard because there are some refugees whose cases have been approved in two to three years and they have been resettled in the United States in violation of merit. The UNHCR is also not informed by the authorities of the reasons for the pending of cases referred by the UNHCR. The applicant refugees are kept waiting on the pretext that their cases are still under process. In the name of resettlement in the United States, thousands of UNHCR's recognized refugees lost their savings to become beggars, but they could not be resettled. US President Joe Biden has not yet reviewed the USCIS, the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Refugee Admission Program. In which the graph of corruption has increased so much that if the US government wants to clean it, it will take a long time but under the current circumstances, accountability seems difficult.

Syed Fawad Ali Shah
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