which government is better for Pakistan's economy Democratic or military government

(Sachal Siyal, )

Word “Democracy” Ancient greek “dēmokratía” it means dēmos means people and “Kratos” means rules is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), Features of democracy often include freedom of assembly, association, property rights, freedom of religion and speech, inclusiveness and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom ).

Everyone has to know the first-time democracy by Sikander Mirza After the imposition of Martial Law in 1958 after independence from 1947 to 2022 no president completed their own five years.

That period first martial law was introduced by general Ayub khan in Pakistan from 1958 to 1969 and everyone has to know that is the golden period (decide of development) of Pakistan's Economy because in that era Pakistan's economy grew by 9%. On 25th March 1969, the second Martial law was imposed and General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan took over as the President of Pakistan.Under which the first ever general elections were held on 7th December 1970 in that 2-year era Pakistan's average Economy growth rate was 8%. 3rd martial law imposed by general zia-e-haq (1977-1988) in that Decade Pakistan's average economic growth rate was 6.2%.

lifestyle liberalism, Dictatorship(1999-2008),4th martial imposed by general Pervez Musharraf In that era pakistan average economic growth was 5.7%.

Seven-time democracy was introduced in the Pakistan's history and every time each democracy falls the Economy of Pakistan.In the first decade after independence (1947-58), the economy of Pakistan grew on average by 3.1%. Despite the overall modest growth which was encouraging given the initial economic problems manufacturing grew at a healthy rate of 7.4%. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's (1972-1977) at Five years period average Economic growth rate was 4.4%. A decade of (Neoliberalism (1988-1999)) in that era economy's average growth was 4%.Another democratic transition(2008-2013) Economy's average growth rate was 3.44%.(2013-2018) in that era, Pakistan's Economy average growth rate was 5.06%.

Military government is better for Pakistan's Economy. If we calculate the average Growth rate of the Four Military governments (1958-1969),(1969-1971),(1977-1988),(and 1999-2008) was 7.2%.

Democratic government Economy growth rate (1947-58),(1972-1977),(1988-1999),(2008-2013),(2013-2018) average economy growth rate was 4.56.

According to Facts and figures Military government's Monetary and Fiscal policy is better controlled than the Democratic government.

Sachal Siyal
About the Author: Sachal Siyal Read More Articles by Sachal Siyal: 2 Articles with 1944 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.