Majority of G 20 opposes sanctions against Russia

(Dr Syed Mehboob, Karachi)

Majority of G 20 Opposes sanctions against Russia

By Dr.Syed Mehboob
Research Scholar, Analyst
War always brings hunger, deaths, displacement, poverty and destruction. It is the duty of world’s policy makers and influential ones to promote peace, harmony and negotiations. United States and European were widely indulged in war mongering, arms supply and closed their eyes from atrocities, planned and organized genocides by Israelis against Palestinians and Indians against Muslim minorities and people of Kashmir. Both EU and USA supported the bloodshed in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq. They have dual standard and this dual standard is jeopardizing global peace and stability.
In response to Russia and Ukraine conflict European Union and United States of America imposed sanctions on Russia. The EU adopted five packages of sanctions. The measures are designed to individual sanctions, restrictions on media, diplomatic measures, and restrictions on economic relations with the controlled areas of Donetsk oblasts. These sanctions were imposed on 23rd February, 2022. After February 24, 2022 the EU massively expanded the sanctions. On 8th April, 2022, EU banned on import of coal from Russia. It has full ban and an asset freeze on four Russian banks.
These sanctions as there are general impression that hit Russian economy badly hurt but the other side of the coin is that it also hit the EU economy very badly.
Another objective of these sanctions was to isolate Russia but the reality is that Russia made advancement on political, economic and defence fronts. Russia, China and Iran are determined to change the game.
In recent development G-20 which is a block of the most influential countries split over the matter of imposing sanctions on Russia. The G 20 is a strategic multilateral platform connecting the world’s major developed and emerging economies. The G 20 holds a strategic role in securing future global economic growth and prosperity. The G 20 or Group of Twenty is an international forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). It is composed of the most of the world’s largest economies including both industrialized and developing countries and accounts for 80% of gross world product, 70 % of international trade , two thirds of the global population and roughly half the world’s land area. The members of G20 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, The United Kingdom, The United States, and the European Union.

Position of G-20 countries supporting and not supporting the sanctions against Russia
Countries with yes Countries with No
1. France 1. Turkey
2. UK 2. Mexico
3. Germany 3. Brazil
4. Canada 4. Argentina
5. USA 5. India
6. Italy 6. Saudi Arabia
7. Australia 7. Japan
8 South Korea
9. China
10. Indonesia
11. South Africa

Unlike the seemingly bipolar divides of the cold war period, major economies like India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Indonesia now have significantly greater economic and diplomatic agency. They have their own priorities, interests and agenda and they don’t follow American agenda or dictation. Many countries want friendly relations with China and Russia as they too like USA are important players in global power game. They could not be ignored. Russia's expulsion from the G20 is unlikely, with most members either against removing Russia from the group or undecided on the matter. Only the US, Canada and Australia support Russia's expulsion. G20 members are likely to maintain their positions, driven by national interest considerations. Russia has been invited at the G 20 summit by its president Indonesia. Indonesia is the host country of G-20 Summit in November, 2022.Within the G20, the BRICKS grouping members have not lined up against Russia. Brazil, India, China and South Africa represent 42 percent of the world’s population and countries like India and China are “seen as having lined up with Russia.
G20 Countries Supporting sanctions against Russia
Country Population million Area Sqr Km GDP PPP billion US$ GDP Nominal Billion US$
France 67.87 643,801 3,667 2,936
UK 67.32 242,495 3,752 3,376
Germany 83.19 357,022 4,743 4,319
Canada 38.65 9,984,670 2,237 2,221
USA 331.44 3,796,742 25,350 25,350
Italy 58.98 301,230 2,972 2,058
Australia 25.93 7,692,024 1,605 1,748
Dr Syed Mehboob
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