Proper Organization and Systemization of Pakistani Political Parties

(Dr.Masood Tariq, Hyderabad)

It is a worst drawback of Pakistan; that the most of political parties work like private limited companies and have their own sole agents, distributors and salesman’s, because of that most of the politicians have their own paid workers and working partners.

They behave with the political workers like customers and they treat the general public like slaves. Therefore, public is disappointed, dissatisfied, disillusioned from politicians and political parties.

The previous political party’s governments could not solve the basic and genuine problems of the public by failing to prove stable socio-economical atmosphere along with administrative and judicial justice. The present government has also failed due to lack of politically active, intellectually effective and publicly well respected persons.

Therefore, political parties of Pakistan are required to be Organized and Systemized Properly by Considering the CADRES & GRADES.

CADRES should include Persons;

(a). Those posses Intellectual Wisdom to Prepare Proper Plans & Programs.

(b). Those have Organizational Skill to Organize & Systematize the Party.

(c). Those are Socially Well Respected among the masses and Capable to Guide the Public.

And be GRADED as;

C. Local Grade.

C- 3 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Street/Village level.

C- 2 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Block/Deh level.

C- 1 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Town/Union Council level.

B. Provincial Grade.

B- 3 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at City/Tehsil level.

B- 2 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at District level.

B- 1 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Divisional level.

A. National Grade.

A-3 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Provincial level.

A-2 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at National level.

A-1 Grade = Persons those posses intellectual wisdom or have organizational skill or are socially well respected among the masses at Inter National level.

Dr.Masood Tariq
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