Establishment v/s Political Governance of Pakistan

(Dr.Masood Tariq, Hyderabad)

Personality based politics by the way of own agenda through individually managed and self loyal persons as an alternative of party manifesto politics results non-systemized and un-organized party structure, un-skilled and un-experienced leadership, non-political aptitude workers.

Whereas, establishment is well skilled and organized, experienced and systemized in bureaucratic and administrative duties at national, provincial and local level.

Therefore, manifesto less politics, fragile party structure and pseudo-political coworkers, force the political leaders either to subordinate or confront the establishment for politics or governance instead of reciprocal, honorable, reliable and fruitful institutional working relationship to perform their charter of duties according to the constitution, laws and rules of business.

In matter of fact, political parties are supposed to:

1. Work as a bureaucrat to prepare proper plans and programs through well skilled persons of related subject.

2. Act as an administrator to perform party affairs and redress public grievances through well experienced people of related field.

3. Behave as a social worker to interact with party supporters and general public through well respected personalities of related locality.

For this reason, political parties are required to be organized and systemized appropriately by considering the necessity of cadres at union council, tehsil, district, province and national level.

a. Cadre of leaders or initiators: comprised on persons, those possess intellectual wisdom to prepare proper plans and programs.

b. Cadre of workers or motivators: comprised on persons, those have organizational skill to organize and systematize the party.

c. Cadre of supporters or actors: comprised on persons, those are socially well respected among the masses and competent to collaborate and cooperate with public.

However, in Pakistan, political parties were/are never organized and systemized by the party owners according to the political ethics and manners along with party manifesto. Therefore, most of political parties work like Private Limited Companies and have their own sole agents, distributors and salesmen. Because of that most of the politicians have their own paid workers and working partners. They behave with the political workers like customers and they treat the general public like slaves.

CONSEQUENCE: Public feels disappointment, remains dissatisfied, become disillusioned from politicians and political parties. Therefore, opportunists, hypocrites and power as well as money hunger persons get the opportunity to arrange, manage or attain the domination and control of governance or politics. It results administrative victimization, judicial injustice, economical disaster and social polarization.

CONCLUSION: Grooming of local, provincial and national leadership is not possible without well organized and systemized political parties as per party manifesto and according to the political ethics and manners. Otherwise, un-groomed politicians, un-organized and non-systemized political parties have to subordinate or confront the establishment for politics or governance instead of reciprocal, honorable, reliable and fruitful institutional working relationship to perform their charter of duties according to the constitution, laws and rules of business.

DRAWBACK: Although, establishment is well skilled and organized, experienced and systemized in bureaucratic and administrative duties but without political wisdom; whereas political aptitude is necessary for the political and democratic atmosphere. Therefore, direct governance or proxy politics in shape of sponsorship, facilitation or by the way of producing pseudo-political leaders, workers and supporters breed the aggressive, arrogant and authoritarian perception of establishment in individuals, masses and democratic institutions.

It generates the emotions and impression of dictatorial rule of establishment by suppressing the personal, public and political privileges.

It facilitates the opportunists, hypocrites and power as well as money hunger persons to arrange, manage or attain the domination and control in governance or politics.

It leads towards cultivation of race, region and religion related differences, disputes and distrust along with conflicts, confrontations and clashes.

It promotes the personality based politics by the way of own agenda through individually managed and self loyal persons as an alternative of party manifesto politics, which results non-systemized and un-organized party structure; un-skilled and un-experienced leadership and non-political aptitude workers.

It destabilizes the social environment, economical stability and governance system.

It results social polarization, economical disaster and administrative victimization.

SUGGESTIONS: Systemized and organized party structure with skilled and experienced leadership and political mindset workers is the prerequisite of political potentiality and stability as well as reciprocal honorable, reliable and fruitful institutional working relationship according to the constitution, laws and rules of business.

Therefore, political parties are required to launch the “Political Brain Hunt” program to search the political aptitude leaders and workers from every district by the central rank leadership; from every tehsil by the provincial rank leadership and from every union council by the district rank leadership to organize and systemize their parties along with plan of grooming political ethics and skills in party leadership and workers by holding meetings, seminars and workshops.

NOTE: Skill as a prerequisite for establishment is sufficient, but for holder of power wisdom is the initial prerequisite.

QUOTE: Mankind will never see an end of the trouble until and unless; lovers of the wisdom come to hold political power or holder of power become lover of wisdom. (Plato)

Dr.Masood Tariq
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