World to face starvation if Pakistan, India use nuclear weapons

(Source: Thenewstribe)

More than a billion people around the world would face starvation if India and Pakistan unleash nuclear weapons, according to a study.

Use of nuclear weapons would bring the same disastrous results even if that war is regionally limited, a study released on Tuesday warned.

According to the study the deadly and polluting weapons would cause major worldwide climate disruption that would dramatically drive down food production in China, the United States and other countries.

AFP news agency quoted study author Dr Ira Helfand of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War as having said:“The grim prospect of nuclear famine requires a fundamental change in our thinking about nuclear weapons”.

“The new evidence that even the relatively small nuclear arsenals of countries such as India and Pakistan could cause long lasting, global damage to the Earth`s ecosystems and threaten hundreds of millions of already malnourished people demands that action be taken,` Dr Helfand said.


“The needless and preventable deaths of one billion people over a decade would be a disaster unprecedented in human history”, she added.