The most awaited day of the year, Eid ul Fitr has finally arrived. Welcome the dawn of Eid in your city with open arms and praise Almighty Allah for the unlimited blessings. For most of us Eid means “party”! To dress up nicely, collect Eidi, have a family dinner and hang out with friends. Is that enough? Not really! We all have heard of the “Mazhabbi Josh o Jazba” on TV but most of us are unaware of it in real terms. In this article you will discover the religious and traditional values that are necessary to observe on Eid ul Fitr. Let’s review them in detail. |
Celebration at the End of Ramadan In simple words, Eid ul Fitr means to celebrate the month of fasting. Muslims are indulged in prayers throughout the month of Ramadan and Allah Almighty has blessed them with happiness in the form of Eid. Blessings, harmony, and happiness are showered on Muslims by Almighty Allah to mark the celebration of Meethi Eid ul Fitr. |
Dress up for Eid Taking bath and wearing new clothes on Eid is a tradition. Those who can afford suit up themselves in the most extravagant and lavish outfits, while those who can’t still manage to look best on Eid day. Women prefer to decorate their hands with mehndi and bangles to mark the festive mood. The key to Eid celebration is to wear new clothes. No matter how much deep grievances you have faced, you should welcome Eid whole heartedly. |
Give Fitra to the Needy Don’t forget the needy and poor in your celebration. Paying Fitra to the needy people is religious obligation before you go for Eid prayers. Make sure that you have made the Fitra payment well before Eid so that they can make their Eid clothes on time. |
Attend the Eid Prayers Eid prayers are held early morning at various Masjids, and open air locations. The time for Eid prayers vary. It is compulsory to attend Eid prayers and Khutbah on Eid day to give thanks to Allah Almighty for countless blessings and happiness. After the prayers, embrace each other by hugging and wishing them Eid Mubarak. |
Give Eidi and gifts to the Younger Ones The best thing about Eid ul Fitr is “Eidi”. Women and children gather to collect Eidi from elders as soon as they are back from Eid Prayers. Not just your family members, but your housemaids and other servants are equal recipients to receive Eidi. Do remember them in your celebrations.
Visit the Resentful Relatives Are you still not in talking terms with your aunt? Eid is the best moment to cheer her up. Do visit your resentful relatives and try to let go with the misunderstandings. Eid is the day to mend hearts. Utilize it to spread happiness, peace and harmony among relatives and friends.
Have a Feast with Family Eid time is the family time. It is the ultimate opportunity to have a splendid family time. Rejoice every moment of Eid ul Fitr with some cheerful laughter, chit chat, gossips and family dinners on the three days of Eid.
Eradicate Boredom with HamariWeb In case you are stuck up at home and waiting for guests to arrive; log on to HamariWeb and facilitate from some interesting articles, videos, and mouth watering Eid special recipes. |
Six Fasts of Shawwal It is advised to fast for 6 days in the month of Shawwal. From 2nd Shawal onwards, Muslims fast to earn blessings and Thawab. According to Sahih Muslim, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) has said: “Whoever completes the fasts of Ramadan then adds to them the fasts of six days in the month of Shawwal, it will carry the thawab of fasting for the whole year.” The significance of Six Shawwal fasts is clear from this Hadith. Muslims should avail this golden opportunity for acquiring enormous reward from Allah Almighty. It is preferable to fast from 2nd Shawwal to 7th Shawwal.
Have a blessed Eid ul Fitr! |