Pakistan Steel Mills Under Threat

(Hafiz Muhammad Noman, Karachi)

Recently I along with my friend visited Pakistan Steel Mills who went there in order to confirm a Pakistan Steel’s bus, which he booked one day ago for some guests to convey them to a marriage hall as his sister had a marriage ceremony. We went to the Construction Base department, known as CB, at 10.30 am. The security was well enough to satisfy but the deplorable thing we saw at the department was the situation of complete anarchy or labour’s lack of interest in working.

As we entered the building, we found several people sitting in a room, eating battle leaves and gutkas whereas abusing one another indiscriminately. They even did not stop seeing us and laughing as there was a big joke. They asked our purpose of arrival and sent a man with us to show us the right way to a high-up who was all-in-all there.

It is a great pity that during our way, the man said that they spent their time sitting, talking and joking etc because there was none to inquire or ask them why they were free and not working!

That was the first time I ever visited Pakistan Steel Mills and I could not believe to have faced such situation and I realized and understood why Pakistan Steel was going towards decline! The people in that room all belonged to Labour Union who were supported by political parties. They were illiterate and had no idea what to do, how to talk and meet someone strange etc.

In this regard, the concerned authorities must show their responsibility and deal strictly with such slackers. It is said that “Rod tames every brute” hence, the Chairman of Pakistan Steel should be a military officer because if we see in the past, whenever a military officer became the chairman, his strict policies bettered or improved overall condition of Pakistan Steel Mills. As we know that a lot of people are associated with Pakistan Steel whose families survive their lives or depend on the salaries of Pakistan Steel, we have to save Pakistan Steel for them at any cost! On the other hand, Pakistan Steel produces 60 per cent of Iron for Pakistan if it is brought into operation correctly but unfortunately it is being destroyed by the ruling party and the political recruitments.

It hurts me a lot to see how all the government institutions are being destroyed by wrong policies and political recruitments of the ruling party. Those, who cannot do anything and belong to a political party which is the ruling party, are recruited in the government institutions easily whereas a well-educated and qualified man is deprived of a job! This causes great confusion or anarchy and crimes increase when a hungry man could not bear hunger and he finds illegal ways to remove his hunger! Think of it please!

Hafiz Muhammad Noman
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