Talking To Taliban

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Nowadays, there is a frequent debate going on the media about dialogue with Taliban, and every one suggests how to deal with Taliban according to his own whim and mental inclinations.
Owing to the American war on terror, the matter has been made so complex and confused that a layman bewildered what should be the solution of all this mess.
The so called enlightened moderates do not hesitate in advising the government to crush the Taliban in the north western region of the dear mother land.

Due to the brutal use of force, nearly one million citizens have been made homeless, left at the mercy of their own fate. In all the military actions taken by the government, the victims are the innocent people mostly children and women.
The death toll of the 9/11 incident does not seem to an end. How many sacrifices we well have to offer to satiate the thirst and lust for blood of the cannibals in Washington? Had we created this land of Paks for this purpose—to work as a mercenary for the western powers especially American?

Those paid writers very well know for the solution of this problem but for petty gains are writing for the satanic forces who are getting satisfaction in spelling the blood of human species especially the followers of Islam.

The murder of a single innocent human being is tantamount to the murder of all humanity, we have been told by Islam. But who will inculcate this ethical declaration of Islam into the heads of the agents of Satan who are bent upon accelerating the journey towards the dooms day?

Otherwise a very simple solution is present for all the disturbances in our country.

First, ask the Yankees to stop the so called war on terror and pull back its forces from Afghanistan. As they themselves admit that Al-Qaeda has no more the capacity to threaten the American security, the presence of the American forces are no more needed if the Yankees has no any clandestine motives in the region. Peacekeeping forces of the neutral states can easily restore the peace and stability of the country.

Secondly, if the Yankees are adamant to keep their occupational forces in the region, as it has been planning for somewhere 2025, then our rulers should boldly get out of the war on terror and cease to act as a front line state, and stop all kind of support to the American forces in the regions.

Taliban are not against the Pakistani forces. Actually they are the custodian of the Pakistani territory. The only hope for those who believe in the ideology of Pakistan.

Genuine Taliban do not behead men with out reasons. What should be the reward of all those who spy Taliban for the Yankees? Perhaps they should be garlanded when detected by the Taliban!

Had the business of the Yankees restricted to only peace keeping in Afghanistan it would have been a wrong assertion to support Taliban but the designs of the Yankees are not so naïve. They themselves starving Americans and investing in Afghanistan; it can not be simply construed just for peace keeping.

Those Pakistanis who have spent a year in Afghanistan are roaming in Toyotas, definitely at the expense of Americans whose cars and houses have been snatched by their rulers fearing them of Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

Once the rulers of Pakistan get out of the so called war on terror and still the Taliban are challenging the writ of the government in any form, there will be no any room left for those who criticize the present policy of the government.

Let the Yankees mind their business in Afghanistan—Pakistanis can no more be levied for the incident of 9/11 whose perpetrators are no more unknown.

Abu Shahab
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