Problems and Solutions

(Ovayce, Lahore)

The problems faced by Pakistan these days are in the areas of economy, energy, governance, corruption, education, and health. All these problems are having a main common reason behind them that is the self interest. All problems stem out because we carry self interest in our day to day actions mostly. Self interest gives birth to corruption and social injustice. We have never thought of life is to live for others. Since self interest is the priority of our people therefore we do not think of others at large. Whenever we are to deal with people, we look after self interest initially and then if circumstances allow we watch the interest of others. There are very rare number of people who take pride in watching and taking care of other’s interest in the society. Names like Abdul Sattar Edhi, Imran Khan, Ansar Barni, and so on are real heroes of Pakistan. We can not repay their contributions for the nation and country. Just imagine if there is no Edhi in Pakistan, what would have been the social welfare structure in our society. People would have been spending billions of rupees outside Pakistan for the treatment of cancer had there been no cancer hospital in Pakistan.

Let’s us come to problems and their solutions. Almost all problems can be resolved if the person who is faced with such problems is honest and capable. These two personality traits can bring a positive change towards the resolution of problems. Although Pakistan has many problems in all areas but they can be tackled only by people who are honest, capable and care for population at large. How to govern a country is not a rocket science and even does not require one to be an experienced politician, an experienced bureaucrat, and an experienced lawyer, however, it requires an honest person with leadership qualities and a visionary mind.

In order to get rid of major problems which are affecting our people badly and have brought a miserable state for ordinary citizen, we need a couple of persons who at the helm of affairs on the top level steer this country out of hopeless state of mind.

A leader who is democratically elected and his team members in federal cabinet can find the solutions of major problems in a very short span of time provided they uphold the rule of law.

An honest leader as a role model sets exemplary traits for others to follow specially his governing team members. Pakistan has a lot of such people who can get the country out of prevailing crises and bring prosperity to common man in the years to come.

So we should not be hopeless due to current state of affairs and should raise our voice whenever and wherever possible for the betterment of our society.

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