Democracy in Pakistan

(Umair, Karachi)

Democracy the word and the political idea or political institution both originates from the Greek. The word democracy is the direct translation of Greek word democratic means the rule of people. In Democracy the people legitimize the political authority by voting their representative and power is wielded by the elective assemblies. Pakistan as a new Muslim state adopts the democratic system of government in which supreme power holds by the parliament and the executive duty will perform by the prime minister and its cabinet. Viewing in the history of Pakistan democracy could never consolidate itself.

Democracy has always been in its embryonic shape. It has never become adult so as to firmly plant its feet in the political battle ground of Pakistan. Militant influence in the government greatly affects the democratic process in Pakistan. Pakistan has more been ruled by the Generals of army than representative of stream of people Gen Ayub khan, Gen Yaha khan, Gen Zia ul haq and Gen Pervaiz musharaf not only impose the emergency in the country but also took over the command by suspending the constitution and the assemblies. They shape the Pakistan polity in accordance to the military political preference. Military rulers acquire the supreme legislative and administrative powers.

Legacy of institutional imbalance and monocracy, problems encountered in setting up of the new state, the external security pressures and the fear of the collapse of the state.

Adversely affected the prospects of democracy:

Now the people of Pakistan elect a party to set up the government according to the democratic rules and Pakistan is on the way for the better future through the democracy which is the best option for the governing system as it stands for the "liberty equality and fraternity."

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