PAK New Govt-What´s in it for India

(Huzaifa Shah, Karachi)

With Nawaz Sharif likely to form the Govt in Pakistan, the expectations of Indians have risen from his Govt in improving relations with India as he had expressed his intentions to this effect during his interviews to some of Indian journalists during his elections campaign.

India cannot expect much in the short-term with Nawaz Sharif taking reins of power in Pakistan. His priorities will be to manage a coalition Govt , control the jehadis and fundamentalists to bring the confidence of investors back in Pakistan’s ailing economy. Once these are in place, the army is likely to fall in line with civilian Govt’s thinking. That will be the time when Nawaz could move a step further in improving Pak’s relations with India. Though this could be a broad road-map for the new Govt. the improvement in relations with India will be possible only if Pak military establishment is willing to listen to the Civilian Govt. That is going to be a herculean task as the Pak military’s morale is built on anti-India rhetoric. Military establishment is unable to forget their defeat in the two wars they fought with India and separation of Bangladesh. Aligning Military bosses’ mind-set with that of political thinking in today’s geo-political reality, is going to be the biggest challenge for the new Govt for improving Indo-Pak relations.

So, in the near-term India cannot expect any improvement in relations from Pak. The least which could be expected from Pak in the short-term is, not letting the relations with India go worst.

General Pervez Musharraf is likely to be in deep-shit as he was instrumental in Nawaz Sharif’s exile from Pakistan. With Nawaz coming to power, Musharraf’s political career and ambitions are finished now and it is very likely that he will face the charges of treason and spend rest of his life in Jail.

Relations with Afghanistan are not likely to be the immediate priority except on Afghanistan Taliban front because that affects Pakistan’s internal affairs also. Alignment with US in its war against terrorism on Afghanistan and Af-Pak border cannot be ignored by the new Govt though it would be a very sensitive issue in the light of local fundamentalists and Pak Taliban not in favor of supporting US. It will have to walk a tight rope on this issue.

Huzaifa Shah
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