Unlike the british india there were two major impediments to tide over in achieving political freedom and to form a democratic government in hyderabad. one of the hurdles for the nationalists is existence of nizam's rule in the state. the nizam was already under the influence of the british. he had to curtail any attempt to rise against the british interest. the second obstacle was the fear of the nizam that the departure of english from india would ultimately result in his dethronement if he allowed freedom struggle ih his state. the other rulers in british india had to face all the problems in tiding over the above obstacles. nizam, a muslim was aspiring for an independent islamic state in the heart of india. whereas the majority of his subjects being hindus left no stone unturned to form a democratic form of government as soon as the british withdrew from india. this problem was more severe than the earlier one.

The nationalist leaders in the state expected a lot of bloodshed and violence in the name of religion while transferring power in the hyderabad state. it would expose the serious nature of the problem faced by the social and political workers in the pusuit of national movement. the situation in hyderabad state also turned favourable and the people of hyderabad started taking up active role in the freedom movement . klb was one of the prominent leaders who transformed the elite mvoement into a mass movement.

Till klb's advent into the freedom struggle in hyderabad , the role of middle class intelligentsia in the movement was noteworthy. it is in this context and circumstances that klb stepped in to the state congress movement.

The rise of nationalism - a few citizens among the intelligentsia from the upper, middle class society welcomed the formation of the INC in 1885. they were Dr. Aghornath chatopadhyaya,Mulla Abdulqyam, ramchandra pillai and moheb hussain and others. they masterminded in moulding public opinion among the few educated citizens in the state. Mulla Abdul Qayam was the first Muslim leader in hyderabad to join the INC. he was an active member and even attended the congress session held at madras and Benaras. He pleaded that all muslims should join the congress.

The Arya Samaj was established in hyderabad in 1892. the government prosecuted the Arya samaj leaders for being non-mulkies and alleged that they were involved in anti-Muslim activities. Nityananda Brahmachari and Vishwananda saraswathi were sent to prison. their pleader ramachandra pillai was placed under police custody for 2 hours when he came ot visit them in the prison.

In spite of all these mpendiments, the Arya samaj continued its activities in the state. prominent persons who joined the Arya samaj movement in 1896 were Keshav Rao Korathkar,Danidar Satvakejar and Dr. Aghornath Chatopadhyaya. like Bala Gangadhar tilak ganesh utsav celebrations on indian pattern were also started at hyderabad in 1895.

Educational and Social reforms - the hyderabad state could not close its eyes to the activities happening in other parts of the country in its social, political and educational areas. Realising the significance of reforms agroup of young graduates convened an educational conference in 1915, which was first of its kind. the journalists and scholars who participated in this conference were like Mr. Akbar Ali, the Edito the Shahifa, Mirza Mohammed baig, Abdul Basit and Moulvi Mohammed murtaza. the conference emphasized the intoduction of modern educational system in hyderabad.

Andhra jan sangh which was founded in protest against conducting the proceedings of a confrerence of social reform in hyderabad .

Non co operation movement in hyderabad - the shape of the indian national movement had completely changed with Mahatma Gandhiji s enty in to the movement . The British Government introduced the Rowlatt bill and Gandhi jumped into the Satyagraha movement against the bill. In response to the call given by gandhiji on aprill 6 1919the people resorted to hartals throughout the county.Gandhiji also joined hands with the Khilafat Movement and supporting launching the non-co operation movement in india.
swadeshi and boycott movement in hderabad - the teaching of Gandhiji showed its impact in spiteof the barriers set up the government of nizam.andhra maha sabha - the andhra jan sangh started a movement and it speedily gathered strength .a conference was held at jogipet in medak district in 1930 and the name was changed to the Andhra Maha sabha .

Vandematharam movement in hyderabad the year 1937 and 1938 should be written in the annals of the hyderabad state s freedom movement. it was because political ideas were given a conctrete shape during theseyears.

Razakar movement - telangana armed struggle the nationalist section of andhra maha sabha merged itsel in the hyderabad state congress in 1946 and actively participated in the state congress struggle against the nizam's autocratic government . Another section of Andhra maha sabha the comminist section started the historic armed struggle in 1946 against the nizam's feudal goverbment in the districts of nalgonda and warangal . the all india state peoples conference which was held by the congress leaders like nehru and Dr. B.P. Seetharamaiah evinced keen interest in the affairs of the hyderabad state.As a result of the communist movement coupled with the pressure from the state peoples conference , the ban on congress was lifted in april, 1946. Tension pervailed through out the state. The itihad also organized a parallel military force which came to be known as the Razakars .
thanking you


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