Yes we know that who is Responsible
Circumstances of Karachi infect a lots issue in Karachi but Three main issues of
1) Remote Control Politics 2) Victim of fears 3) Sectorism.
Remote control politics in Karachi even a lots of hands involve in circumstances
of Karachi. But big involvement is leading Party of Karachi City. I think you
all are understood that here talking about which party. If we talk about Target
Killing. If we talk about Extortion Money. If we talk about any kind of illegal
activities so just only one name in our mind. Infect his Party spread Violence
own self and rather than own self make his noise as well as “CRAY OF A THIEF”.
Victim of fears actually everybody know that who is responsible circumstances of
Karachi. But everyone is keeping Silence why..?? Because everyone are scared. if
anybody say something about reality so his Party members and boys are threat for
Peoples that Kill them that why everyone are silence. You can say that everyone
is in Victim of fears.
Sectorism that is another big issue in Karachi Regularly a lot of people catch
for only Sectorism. Basically they all are innocent people innocent people. I
don’t know that why? They people understand that we are Human Being after than
we are Relate any kind of colors or Sect. Because if we talk about any Sect or
Colors. So giving we all only one lesson are same and that is RESPECT HUMINITY
so now is time to Realize that First of all we are Human Being.