Real Enemy of United States of America "Game of War Lords (Contractors)

(Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, Jeddah)

Real Enemy of United States of America "Game of War Lords (Contractors)

April 16, 2014 at 5:01am by Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid

Strategically, United States of America has lost its position of Super Power. War results for the United States are mixed. United States of America has lost 4.3 Trillion $(Some experts estimates are 6 Trillion $), bleeding US taxpayers, culprits those War Lords has taken all 4.3 Trillion $, Thousands of its best army men killed, Hundred thousand wounded, United States of America became a debitor of Trillions of $, Millions of kids are facing malnourishment, United States of America can not workout without to take debits.

Question is in mind:
Where did United States of America spent all that money "4.3 Trillion" United States of America debited?

2 men Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein killed on the cost of 4.3 Trillion $, Thousands of Army men, 13 years time period.

2 Enemies are dead, But Actions of United States of America let came out dozens Taliban outfits similar to Al-Qaeda. Afghanistan is unstable, That instability can create thousands of terrorist. Here keep in mind only 20 terrorists were involved to bring down twin towers. Before 1 Osama Bin Laden was enemy of United States of America but after war now all those lost their loved one in Direct American action. They are against United States of America. Numbers are in hundred thousands. Wounded Countless. Here we should remember nearby 3000 Humans lost life in Twin Towers. Iraq is worst then Afghanistan. After that all I would call all terrorism is a direct reaction of United States of America,s actions, where any kind of enmity can lead terrorists to do anything against United States of America.

After knowing that all losses, question is that:
Who is the profiteer of that Multi-Trillion $ figure?

Answer is very simple "War Lords". War Lords those are not loyal to United States of America but towards another land called Israel. To know about War Lords we need to know their roots.

All deep research & estimates lead towards only one lobby. This particular lobby is called a real power in United States of America. United States of America can not choose any president without permission of that lobby. Christians should recall their name a Jewish before to be elected a president. No matter how big American or real American or Christian that American is. No one American Hero, Patriot can become a president of United States of America without the permission of Jewish Lobby.

Here we should raise another question:

Why United States of America is hijacked in the hands of War Lords "Jewish Lobby"?

War Lords they are called Contractors in 21st Century. All gross cost of wars, Treasury went to war lords in the shape of bills. Bills could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies.

Searching 1 Osama Bin Laden & to hunt Saddam Hussein only enemy of Israel. War Lords lead United States of America to be involved in the Wars totaled $4.3 trillion to $4.4 trillion.

What United States of America lost in War Lord,s War?
Answer: Loss of its position of Super Power, Loss of 4.3 Trillion $, Loss of thousands of Army Men, Loss of Legs & Arms of Hundred of Thousands Veterans

Here we are justified to raise another question:

As United States of America is failed to bring stability in Iraq & Afghanistan, So what actually United States of America Achieved?

Answer: United States of America has Achieved 4.3 Trillion Debits, 20 million kids facing malnourishment, Unemployment & poor health policies of Citizens of United States of America.

Another Position that United States of America has achieved is that: United States of America can not run itself without to take debit.

So War Lords "Jewish Lobby" is worst for United States of America.

Profiteer of Wars of United States of America are as follows:

Note: War Lords are few, with different contractor names they covered almost all fields. In connection with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Extra.

War Lords: Raytheon, Vinnell, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Titan Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Academi, Halliburton, KBR (company), Custer Battles, MVM, Inc.

ITT Corporation, Triple Canopy, DynCorp International, Global Security Solutions, Edinburgh International, AAR Airlift company, Pax Mondial (an Arlington-based subcontractor for Black & Veatch Corp.)

Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid
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