Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Thanks to the suicidars which divided the public opinion about the military actions in the country in the war against terror. Due to the recent surge of the suicidal attacks in the country, be it against the civilians or the security forces, no ones’ sympathy is with the perpetrators of these attacks; and after the attacks the enraged mob has been seen as thrashing the dead bodies of the suicidars with foot and sticks in order to satiate their anger against these peoples.

And due to all this, though with burning hearts, the people bear the displacement of forty million people in the country as the military has got the sympathies due the follies and cruelties of these terrorists. And it is also hoped that one day our military will overpower these terrorists and the situation will come to normal.

But it seems that the speculations and analysis of those who presage about our dear mother land time and again are getting concrete shape; and there seems to be no any end to the present insurgency in the country when our rulers are assuring the Yankees to fight for them with the Taliban of Afghanistan as a strategic partners for some dollars. And it seems that the Yankees have succeeded in convincing both our products of NRO and the men in uniform for all this by showing them some dollars.

If this plan is given practical shape then the actual count down of our country’s life can not be avoided. The plan of the Yankees in collaboration with Israel and India seems to be fulfilling in this regard.

If on the one hand we are condemning the insurgency here in our county but at the other hand the struggle against the occupying forces in Afghanistan is also considered as right and valid. If this right and valid struggle is being suppressed by the army whose motto is “jihad fi sabilillah”-- struggle in the way of ALLAH, what will be the repercussion.

Let the Yankees mind their own business in Afghanistan; it is not our headache. Ours is not mercenary. At least we can do is not to give any material help to these freedom fighters in Afghanistan, and they are not in need of any support from us. If our forces, in order to legitimize some petty dollars from the Yankees, cross this limit then the nation should get prepared for any mishappening in the near future.

After all we had not got this country for the services of Yankees; it was created for some other purpose well known to every resident of the country. In the word of Quaid, “we are going to have a laboratory in the shape of Pakistan where Islamic code of life can be tested and proved practical for day to day life”. Where are the followers of the Quaid!

Abu Shahab
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